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Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #600 : 17 Август 2015, 02:48:24 »
По непроверенным слухам, текущий внешний вид Рэша это бета-версия его ретро-костюма.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #601 : 02 Сентябрь 2015, 20:14:35 »
Bloodlust - тема неиспользованного персонажа "Вампир" из Killer Instinct 2.
Тема была использована в другой игре Rare, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Оффлайн luffy-san

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #602 : 03 Сентябрь 2015, 12:31:44 »
В оригинал не играл. Попробывал в перезапуск игры поиграть ну что то не зацепило. Хотя боевая система интересная.

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #603 : 06 Сентябрь 2015, 17:03:59 »
ОСТ второго сезона проклюнулся -

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #604 : 06 Сентябрь 2015, 17:57:25 »
Уже скачал на рутрекере.  :)

Оффлайн Demonyx

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #605 : 07 Сентябрь 2015, 13:49:03 »
Все-таки Мик Гордон молодец. Так замиксовать не каждый сможет. Тему Майи так вообще не узнать, звучит просто супер.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #606 : 07 Сентябрь 2015, 17:40:36 »
Цитата: Demonyx
Тему Майи так вообще не узнать, звучит просто супер.

В саундтреке она отличается от версии использованной в игре.

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #607 : 03 Октябрь 2015, 15:56:02 »
К старту третьего сезона два персонажа будут перерисованы.
Предположу, что один из них точно будет Омен  ;)

Так же есть намёки на специальную версию KI Gold, со всеми бойцами из первой и второй частей + несколько из нового КИ, и всё это, возможно, в HD.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #608 : 03 Октябрь 2015, 17:57:08 »
Поскольку The GR, не любит давать ссылки на источники, то сделаю это я, пожалуй:

Кроме того, каждую неделю на сайте КИ будут выкладывать полноценнуя историю одного из персонажей серии. Это для тех кому интересен сюжет игры.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #609 : 13 Октябрь 2015, 19:05:15 »
История Яго:
Jago was abandoned as a baby at a secluded monastery in the Himalayas where he was trained by the Monks of the Tiger. When he reached adulthood a fellow warrior—under the influence of an evil force—tried to murder him, but Jago killed the man in self-defense. To atone for this sin he became a hermit, isolating himself in a mountain cave and turning his thoughts inward, meditating on his actions and the guilt he carried from the act. During this time, he was visited by the Tiger Spirit and infused with a tremendous power.

The spirit called upon him to destroy Ultratech by entering their Killer Instinct tournament. Not knowing why such a thing was necessary, but confident in the wisdom of the spirit, he entered. As he competed, a growing sense of dread built in him, as the force of the Tiger spirit became hungrier and more aggressive, pushing him to further and deeper violent tendencies. He almost killed his long-lost sister Orchid, but was able to stop himself from landing the fatal blow.

The tournament finished, Jago returned to his temple to meditate on his growing anger and rage, but too late discovered the truth: the Tiger Spirit was actually a manifestation of the evil Astral entity known as Gargos. In an attempt to exorcise the sprit through a force of wills, Jago instead succumbed to the corruption. Possessed by the entity known as Omen, Jago was transformed into Shadow Jago, wreaking havoc across the globe as he strove to feed more power to Gargos.

Trapped within his own mind, Jago fought back against his possession, finally freeing himself from the corrupting influence and destroying the manifestation known as Shadow Jago. In doing so, he freed Omen, giving form to the once-formless shadow energy.

Once he recovered, Jago set out to find Omen and destroy him, but it was too late. The demon had gotten away, and Gargos’s return seemed inevitable. Jago and his sister joined forces with Maya and T.J. Combo vowing to fight both Ultratech and Gargos. While planning their next move, the allies were trapped by Ultratech forces and pinned down at Maya’s secret headquarters in the Andes Mountains.

Of course you also recall us mentioning that Season 3 will bring rebalances and more to each character, and as a little fun anecdote, we want to leave you with one more thought: “Jago has been training to improve his Endokuken.”

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #610 : 30 Октябрь 2015, 19:04:34 »
История Сабрвульфа:
Born into a venerable and aristocratic German family, Baron Konrad von Sabrewulf was a well-educated but idle man, prone to addiction and vice. After inheriting the family’s castle from his ailing parents, he discovered a secret chamber and laboratory holding the relics of the Night Guard: an ancient order dedicated to the hunting of nefarious monsters. The Sabrewulf clan, Konrad gleaned from family lore, was responsible for wiping out the werewolves across most of Europe.

Drunkenly fumbling through the hidden archives one day, he accidentally cut himself on one of the family’s many trophies: A mounted claw of a giant wolf. Unknown to Konrad at the time, the paw was from a werewolf, its power to pass on the curse still dormant within the severed limb.

On the next full moon, Konrad transformed into a deranged werewolf, becoming one of the very beasts that his family hunted for generations. Still addicted to various drugs, but now with the power and rage of a feral beast inside him, Sabre destroyed most of his own castle, driving his servants away and isolating himself within the half-ruined estate.

On returning to human form, Konrad discovered that any hope of a cure had been obliterated by his own fits of rage and destruction. Desperately, he pieced together the remnants of his family’s work and began experimenting on himself, trying to break the curse and return him to normalcy. This drove him further and further into heavy opiate use, fits of rage, and madness. He became more wolf than man.

As the rumors of a dark creature spread beyond the isolated villages near his estate, Ultratech took notice. Lured from his home with the promise of a scientific cure, Ultratech experimented on and attempted to weaponize Sabrewulf, replacing his arms with cybernetics and extending his transformations until the cycle was reversed; the man barely materialized, the beast ran wild.

Breaking free of Ultratech’s control after being thrown into an early Killer Instinct tournament, Sabrewulf returned to his castle, ripped the cybernetics from his body, and regenerated through the use of potions and arcane sciences gleaned from decades of study, and the remaining relics his family held in such high regard.

For a time he gained control of his lycanthropy, but the lure of the wolf haunted him and drew him back again like an addiction. The monster still remained and his ability to revert to human form was short-lived. Sabrewulf knows that unless he can find a more permanent solution, his agony will continue, and he will be cut off from the world and any hope of being a man again.

Having spent much time at the mercy of his wild side, Sabrewulf has learned that being a predator is often as much about patience as it is power. He is learning new ways to pounce on and surprise his many enemies.


История Глациуса:
The alien being called Glacius hails from a distant planetary system where he serves as a galactic marshal, hunting down lifeforms that have violated any of the “88 Decrees” of the Alliance of Worlds.  Powerful telepathic beings, Glacius’s race has the ability to bend simple molecular structure to their will, encasing their relatively defenseless bodies in all manner of protective shells. This gives their species an ability to adapt to environments easily and turn local resources from any planet into native forms of defense and attack, allowing them to move from planet to planet, and thus always with a means of besting their quarry.

A faint distress signal reaches the marshal’s relay network, sent from the fringes of known space. The location is pinpointed on a developing world, the only data available on it found in the deep archives. A notorious criminal from decades earlier had fled into deep space, pursued by the marshals until a final battle took place near the planet. The criminal’s ship was heavily damaged in the battle, lost control, and burned up in the atmosphere. The case was considered closed and the criminal filed as deceased.

Responding to the odd, ancient transmission, Glacius’ ship is attacked by weapons technologies this race should not possess – ones that only an elevated species would have access to. Unprepared from such an assault, his ship is heavily damaged and it crashes in Antarctica. The impact from the crash destroys Glacius’ native shell, so he quickly adopts the arctic ice to his body, forming a new shell. Then he sets out to find the origin of the weapons used on him, and those responsible for the fake signal as well as the attack on his ship. His transition to a new shell takes some time, however, and during this metamorphosis he discovers that components of his ship have been removed, including the highly confidential dimensional fold power core, which allows his ship to move great distances through space. As a security measure, it should have detonated on removal from his ship, but it did not self-destruct.

As he sets out from the crash site and observes the creatures on Earth, he realizes their technology is corrupted – they have been exposed to ideas and technologies they should not yet have, a serious violation of several of the “88 Decrees”.

Glacius is lured into the Killer Instinct tournament through carefully orchestrated clues to his core’s location. He plays along with the leads, knowing he is being set up for some unknown purpose, but confident in his ability to defeat anything this planet can throw at him. He assumes that he will eventually confront the one responsible for his crash and the origin of the alien tech that has uplifted this world.

Finally confronting Sadira, Glacius defeats the one whom he suspects holds the answers, only to realize she too was playing a part in a greater manipulation. He watches as she uses samples of his genetic code taken during the battle to bypass the safeties on the fold core and open a wormhole to… elsewhere.

The portal opens only briefly before it collapses, but Glacius recognizes the importance of this act. Someone on this planet now has control over a fold core, meaning they can bend space to their will. This is a serious violation of the “88 Decrees,” and to leave now would be a criminal act on his part. His path set before him, he vows to search further and discover the holder of the core before they can abuse its powers.

During his trainings, Glacius studied the dangers of folding space and the powers it could unleash in the wrong hands. Misuse of this power could open doorways to places best left sealed and cross not only simple distance, but dimensions, some of which contain things that have been “removed” for the greater good due to their corruptive natures. Fearing the corruption that comes from contact with these beings, Glacius focuses on improving his Hail technique to keep these new horrors at bay.


В ультра комбо Раша удары проигрывают мелодию с паузы из НЕСовских жаб.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #611 : 04 Ноябрь 2015, 03:03:52 »
История Тандера:
Thunder grew up on a Nez Perce reservation in Idaho with his younger brother Eagle. They were the grandchildren of a chief, and their parents were both tribal police officers who encouraged their boys to “walk with the law,” keeping the moral high-ground and refusing to give in to negativity and vice. The brothers studied hard in school and were gifted athletes. Thunder was built like a mountain and played football, while Eagle was a wrestler and amateur boxer.

When Thunder was a teenager he went on a vision quest in the wilderness to seek his weyekin or spirit guide that would help bridge the gap between our world and the Spirit World. A great storm came as he sat upon a mountaintop, bolts of lightning striking all round him. His spirit guide came to him at that moment. Thunder saw a flock of crows appear from nowhere, and one them—a great black bird—spoke to him in his native language. It told him that he would fight an evil monster one day, and that he must begin training in earnest with the traditional weapon of Native Americans—the tomahawk. He became obsessed with keeping his heritage alive after that, studying the Nez Perce language, folklore and even traditional medicine with the elders of his tribe, his goal to one day become a teacher at the local Indian college.

Eagle went on his own vision quest a few years later. He would never tell Thunder what he saw, but soon after he discovered his weyekin he started training to become an ultimate fighter with an almost religious fervor.

When Thunder and Eagle were in their late twenties, their parents were killed under mysterious circumstances. The couple was gunned down outside an Ultratech facility near the reservation—a factory that had been fined repeatedly for polluting the native land. The FBI blamed their deaths on drug dealers, but Thunder and Eagle knew better.

The brothers started trying to build a case against Ultratech, which they suspected was behind the murders. But all of their efforts were thwarted by the powerful megacorp. In a desperate attempt to infiltrate Ultratech, Eagle—now a skilled amateur fighter—entered the first Killer Instinct tournament. Ultratech claimed that the young man was killed in a match, but they refused to return the corpse to Thunder and his tribe for burial.

In a fit of blind rage Thunder drove his car through the gates of the local Ultratech plant. He jumped out of his car and fought the security guards who’d surrounded him, putting a dozen of them in the hospital. He was caught by the tribal police and incarcerated, screaming that he would “Burn Ultratech to the ground.” The charges against him were quickly dropped by Ultratech and he was released from jail. That night the Ultratech facility was set on fire by an arsonist and it was completely destroyed, along with any answers about his parents’ death that might be hidden there. Thunder knew that he was being framed for the fire and fled the reservation on his motorcycle.

He was on the run for nearly a year. Finally he went into the high desert mountains near a place called Devil’s Landing and did another vision quest, starving himself for a week. A powerful vision came to him and he saw a metal eagle in the sky, calling out his Nez Perce name “Hinmatoon.” When he awoke, Thunder painted himself with the black design of the eagle on his shoulders, then set out for the second Killer Instinct tournament. Here, during one of the fights, he came face to face with the mechanical being called Fulgore—the newest version of Ultratech’s battle cyborg. Thunder’s gut told him that this mechanical aberration was fighting with the same style as his brother Eagle. He wondered if they had somehow extracted Eagle’s consciousness, but he was not able to prove whether or not this was true. Furthermore he was unable to recover the remains of his brother, and so he continued on what he called the “Path of the Eagle,” vowing to find answers or death.

Thunder’s path led him to a confrontation with Aganos—an ancient war golem who was under the sway of Ultratech. Thunder could sense the conflict inside the creature. He went into a fury, summoning the power of his weyekin and channeling a bolt of lightning, destroying the technology controlling the golem, and thus setting him free. Instantly a strange kinship and telekinetic bond was forged between the two. They embarked on a dual quest: track down Aganos’s enemy—the evil sorcerer Kan-Ra; and break into Ultratech’s labs to search for Eagle’s remains.

Little does Thunder know that he may be forced to ally himself with his hated enemy—Ultratech—in order to face an even more sinister force that threatens both our planet and other dimensions.

The path to truth and justice will be wrought with the corpses of new and more powerful foes, but Thunder does not wish for his new allies to share in this fate. He must train and improve his tribe’s most devastating technique, the Sammamish, as the loss of new friends could be too great for his wounded heart to bear.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #612 : 10 Ноябрь 2015, 12:46:04 »
История Садиры:
Sadira is a cold-blooded assassin who has contracted with Ultratech to quiet whistleblowers, activists, politicians and any other enemies of the megacorporation who might prevent the artificial intelligence called ARIA from executing her plans for an evolved humanity.

Sadira was born in a refugee camp on the Thai border, an area rife with bloody conflicts waged between ethnic groups and the Communist government of Myanmar. As a child she learned to fight in order to survive in the tough camp, training in the muay boran—the ancient boxing style of the region. Her instructor tried to teach her that this martial art was meant to build character, but what Sadira loved about it was the sheer violence…the thrill of pummeling, dominating and humiliating another human.

And she craved something darker and more satisfying than just a contest.

When she was a teenager she was recruited by the female insurgent group known as the Red Eyes of Rylai. She gladly joined their order and quickly rose up the ranks due to her innate ferocity. Her first act was to fight a fellow initiate using glass shards tied to her fists with hemp rope. Sadira toyed with her outmatched and terrified opponent, using the glass to disfigure her face, leaving her alive as a warning to the others.

The Red Eyes made their jungle base in a hidden subterranean limestone cave system that had been used centuries before as a temple. The Master of the Red Eyes—an old but still very dangerous assassin—took Sadira under her wing, knowing that she had a dangerous but extraordinary fighter in her midst. She treated Sadira like a daughter, giving the young woman the only true affection she’d ever known.

The Master wore a necklace in the shape of a golden spider: it was the symbol of her chiefdom. For years Sadira coveted this thing with an all-consuming lust, pretending to love and respect her leader, but quietly plotting to seize control of the Red Eyes.

Eventually Sadira came to be considered one of the Red Eye’s best assassins, but more than once her impetuousness nearly got her killed. What’s more she constantly bullied the other women in the Order, and her rash nature caused her to make a grave mistake on a covert mission, getting her fellow strike team members killed in the process.

One night the master took Sadira to a secret chamber in the caverns and showed her a beautiful gilded throne. This was the place where she came and meditated. She told her pupil that one day Sadira might sit in this chair, but that first she would have to earn the position of Master through bravery and sacrifices. She would also have to learn to temper her recklessness. Eventually, the Master explained, the two would have a ceremonial fight in front of all the members of the Red Eyes and, if Sadira was victorious, then and only then would she be handed the spider necklace and the throne.

Sadira pretended to accept these words, bowing low in submission. Then without warning, she lashed out with a hidden blade, slicing her master across the cheek. The older woman’s eyes opened wide in shock as she felt a deadly poison coursing through her veins. Dropping to her knees she grinned hideously. Then with her final utterance she said, “The spider has found its true home.”

Sadira stood over her dead master, staring at her curiously for some time. Then she took the necklace from the corpse and put it around her own throat. It felt extremely heavy and cold. She went to the throne and sat on it, lounging lazily. Suddenly she felt something bite into her skin. The legs of the spider had come alive! As Sadira screamed and clawed at the spider, the golden thing dug itself into her chest, burrowing deep into her flesh, coming to rest next to her heart which throbbed and rolled in her breast as if it were a frightened animal. Her forearms and palms tingled painfully as though they were buzzing with an electrical current. At that moment webs burst from her hands and coated the cave wall. She instinctively leaped up and clung to the gossamer threads, breathing hard.

A dark and chill power emanated from that golden thing inside her body. Sadira could feel it surround her heart, slowly consuming and replacing it. There was a sharp pain in her chest that would not go away…a pain that would always remain.

But losing her heart was worth the price, for the power that came from the spider was magnificent. Under Sadira’s nefarious direction the Red Eyes expanded their activities, providing services across the globe—paid murderers and mercenaries for the rich and powerful. ARIA became aware of Sadira through her intelligence network, and retained the wily killer for a massive sum of money. The AI sent Sadira on many covert missions, including stealing tech from the alien Glacius’s crashed ship.

One of her assignments was to fight Glacius in the Killer Instinct tournament and surreptitiously steal some of his DNA using a hidden syringe implanted in her boot. After that ARIA was able to use this genetic code sample to bypass the security protocols on Glacius’s fold core and open a portal to another dimension.

Her work for ARIA had made Sadira fabulously wealthy. Realizing that she now had the capital to operate beyond the shadows, Sadira moved to strengthen her terrorist organization and become a feared name across the globe. Her activities became more audacious, forcing ARIA to warn her of her increasing presence in the public eye.

When ARIA requested that she personally investigate a shrine in a remote Japanese village, Sadira assumed there was a high-powered target there for her to dispatch. But instead she found herself at the grave of a 17th century Japanese girl who had died heroically defending her village from raiding samurai. Sadira foolishly started digging up the grave, thinking that there was a treasure hidden there. This impiety awoke a powerful vengeful spirit in the form of Hisako, who pursued Sadira mercilessly no matter where she fled. Sadira was seriously wounded by Hisako, and the assassin slunk back to her lair in the jungles, clinging to life and believing that ARIA had set her up: she’d become too much of a liability and a threat to the AI. Sadira clung to her web, brooding like a wounded spider. How could she bring ARIA’s empire crashing to the ground?

While Sadira pondered this, she was visited by Omen—the Herald of Gargos—who called upon her to turn against ARIA and join the path of the Astral Lord. Sadira has a choice to make that will help decide the fate of humankind…a position she relishes greatly.

Sadira uses the ruthless powers of the spider granted to her in the past. They come naturally and easily to her, almost as if she was born with them. But near-death at the ghost’s hands awoke something inside of Sadira. Revenge and survival are now one and the same. She must take the time to unlock her true potential as she recovers by studying the hunting and killing techniques of actual arachnids. She has taken particular interest in the Salticidae family of spiders…

Оффлайн Dyons

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #613 : 10 Ноябрь 2015, 12:48:02 »
История Садиры:
а какой смысл выкладывать копипасту без перевода

Оффлайн gepar

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #614 : 10 Ноябрь 2015, 22:50:06 »
Когда уже на пк выпустят, надоело ждать :)

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #615 : 11 Ноябрь 2015, 01:46:14 »
Когда уже на пк выпустят, надоело ждать :)

Летом, но портировать игру будет та же контора, что портировала последнего Бэтмена  :crazy:

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #616 : 11 Ноябрь 2015, 09:06:52 »
Я думал они в этом же году и портировать собирались, а портирует уже хоть кто-то пускай.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #617 : 11 Ноябрь 2015, 12:03:45 »
The GR, вобще-то, эта контора является и разработчиком основной версии игры, так что результаты могут быть другими.

Цитата: gepar
Я думал они в этом же году и портировать собирались, а портирует уже хоть кто-то пускай.

Они сразу делают порт для ПК и третий сезон, поэтому так долго.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #618 : 19 Ноябрь 2015, 07:05:35 »
Сюжет Орхид:

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #619 : 24 Ноябрь 2015, 02:31:55 »
В честь 2-летия с момента запуска нового КИ Iron Galaxy анонсировали выход Теневого Яго в декабре и небольшие изменения в оформлении игры.
Анонс Теневого Яго.
Изменения в оформлении.

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #620 : 30 Ноябрь 2015, 21:30:33 »
А тем временем игра становится более казуальной дружелюбной.

Раньше зафейлив комбо-брейкер над персонажем загорался перечёркнутый восклицательный знак: оранжевый если не угадали с таймингом, красный если не угадали с силой удара.
Теперь будет так:

L,M и H будут показывать силу пропущенного удара, часы - неверный тайминг, а восклицательный знак появится если вы нарвётесь на контр-брейкер. Кроме того, время нокдауна теперь можно будет отслеживать по исчезающему кресту:

Комбо-брейкер теперь тоже будет показывать силу перехваченного удара:

Добавились сообщения Reversal и Punishment:
Reversal срабатывает когда вы атакуете вставая после падения, а Punishment когда противник атакует вас во время recovery после промахнувшейся атаки.

Ну и наконец появилась возможность включать удвоенную экспу за деньги (для ускоренного открытия шмоток).

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #621 : 30 Ноябрь 2015, 23:47:26 »
Цитата: The GR
А тем временем игра становится более казуальной дружелюбной.

Я бы не сказал, что добавление обозначений это "оказуаливание" чего-либо.
Они носят исключительно вспомогательный характер.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #622 : 02 Декабрь 2015, 04:27:04 »
Трейлер Теневого Яго:

Сюжет Спайнала:

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #623 : 02 Декабрь 2015, 18:31:27 »
Трейлер Теневого Яго:

Есть намёк на Ultimate для всех в третьем сезоне  :wow: (выключив бэкраунд, как в МК5-6)

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #624 : 04 Декабрь 2015, 20:10:17 »
Есть намёк на Ultimate для всех в третьем сезоне  :wow: (выключив бэкраунд, как в МК5-6)

"Шаго единственный, у кого будет Ultimate в третьем сезоне" - IG :wall:

Оффлайн The GR

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #625 : 24 Декабрь 2015, 23:52:08 »
Ещё больше дружелюбия - Combo Assist Mode

В двух словах:
раньше было так
теперь можно включить так:


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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #626 : 02 Январь 2016, 13:29:32 »
Весь январь первый сезон KI раздают бесплатно подписчикам XBL Gold. Помнится , майки говорили, что если вы приобретете KI для XBO, то для ПК его приобретать не нужно. Возможно, активация бесплатной версии для Хуана проканает и на ПК его покупать не придется :lol: Хуан для этого не нужен, "купить" можно с сайта.

Оффлайн Аким

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #627 : 02 Январь 2016, 21:00:10 »
Скачал, пробежал Фулгором сюжетку... Не фан КИ и никогда особо в него не заигрывался. Ну что можно сказать, комбо выглядят впечатляющие, но делаются тупой долбёжкой по одной кнопке. Прямо - пресс х ту вин. Не знаю может там по умолчанию какие-нибудь облегчающие настройки стоят. Но это пожалуй самый легкий файтинг, который мне попадался в последнее время, чтобы так прямо с лёту пройти стандартный режим без единой смерти... Хотя это, конечно, первое поверхностное впечатление. Надо будет потом онлайн попробовать - пусть профи мне бока намнут, может тогда пойму почём фунт лиха.

Оффлайн Cinder

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #628 : 04 Январь 2016, 15:16:16 »
Летом, но портировать игру будет та же контора, что портировала последнего Бэтмена
А что, я не против... после определённых танцев с бубном тот же Бэтмен перестал тормозить.

Оффлайн Sumac

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Re: Перезапуск Killer Instinct.
« Ответ #629 : 04 Январь 2016, 16:57:48 »
Cinder, контора, которая делал Arkham Knight, Iron Galaxy, и есть разработчики Killer Instinct для XBox One.