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Оффлайн jcgamer

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My report for ArcadePC Loader 1.4
« : 17 Май 2013, 06:01:51 »
My name is JCGamer Im a humble Old gamer that like to help other gamers with there gaming problem. My hobby are to teach other gamers on how to setup emulator for there Gaming PC  from console to Arcade by making youtube video and teach them the simple basic to understand how they work. I want to let everyone know that Im not from around here and I understand this not an English website. but I am here to share my finding and report for ArcadePC Loader 1.4. I been working with this front end for almost a week now. I been finding many thing that don't seen to be in the right order of thing. I want to share my knowledge of the thing I encounter when using the ArcadePC Loader 1.4 with the games roms. Please dont tell me this not true. because tell you the truth that everyone computer act differently when come to contact with the emulator & game. please note these are my finding and discovery upon the ArcadePC Loader 1.4 I encounter

Here are my finding and discovery for all games that are malfunctioning and cause problem for the ArcadePC loader 1.4

I fully tested and here are the list of my report

1. Raiden 3- dont boot up when playing the game

2. Raiden 4- dont boot up when playing the game cause a freeze and the tile window start to malfunction

3. Otomedius -not functioning or not working giving a error screen. I try to follow a guide but its not working and this game very hard to understand. we need a more simple way to run it on the ArcadePC loader 1.4 without the error hassle

4. Samurai Shodown - Edge of Destiny- not functioning video not 100% accurate wont show the game. Once the game is loaded you can only hear the sound with black screen because the shadder folder is damaged

5. King of kighter XII- not working  and I can't figure what causing to malfunction

6. Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition: Inside the Services folder you will find *SSFIVAE.exe* have been detected with malware virus when running the program with ArcadePC loader 1.4 but that not the only problem inside the SSFIVAE Game folder there *SSFIVAE_LAUNCHER.EXE* is also infected as Malware. when this happen the game cause a malfunction error and game wont run. I been encounter many of problem with in this game.

My opinion
we need to repair the SSFIVAE.exe and SSFIVAE_LAUNCHER.EXE make sure wont be any more bad executable with in the program for ArcadePC loader 1.4

Here are my finding and discovery for all Working list of game for the ArcadePC loader 1.4

I fully tested and here are the list of my report

1. Arcana Heart 3: You need Xpadder to play the game and the game function good and the loading time take while when game is loaded, Escaping the game need window mode so don't try to play the game on ah3-full screen

2.Battle Fantasia: The game support both full screen and window mode. loading the game take few minute.

3.BlazBlue Calamity & BlazBlue Continuum Shift : Run good and reboot normally, only problem just be sure you have super strong PC  if not the texture look out of place and game will lag and run slow

4.Chaos Breaker:Game run good , take few minute for the game to boot up, Don't tamper with video resolution including window mode. the game must be played on normal setting

5.Giga Wing Generations: the game run good but take few minutes to reboot.

6.Homura: the game run good but take bit few more minutes to reboot and sound cut out when rebooting at time to fix this problem reboot the game again

7.Spica Adventure: Run good and reboot for few minutes. but don't tamper with video resolution to mush or the game will not function

8.Trouble Witches: Run good and reboot for few minutes and sound cut out when rebooting at time to fix this problem reboot the game again

9.Tetris:Grand Master 3 : only run on 640x480 and you need to run the game on window mode by pressing the F5 Key button

10.Shikigami No Shiro III run good but take long time for the game to run properly. same as Homura

11.Power Instinct 5 : run good and take few to boot very nice on window and fullscreen setting

12.King of Fighter 98 UM :best played on Window mode on any resolution setting. dont bother running on Full screen

13.King of FighterMIA: been fixed and the game run very good on full screen. but the problem is not wise to play it on window mode because the window is small and some of the imaging its make a double transparent. also take very long time to load. the game does crash at time if you tamper to mush with the window / full screen to mush can cause the game.exe loader to crash. so make thing simple just play as full screen

14.King of Fighter XIII run 100% perfect and the game can run very good. only minor problem with the game is at final boss battle u get a few flicker glitch on the stage background. but the game does run good and can be set at any resolution

15.Street Fighter 4 is run good and there no problem with at all. the game does need high ram to play but the booting start take few second. when the game start to boot up need to tell your firewall to unblock the game. because of the dial up file so don't be scared and no this game wont let you play online. but its does aloud you to play single player and. the game need to be unblocked to play the game safely.