Автор Тема: В сеть слили часть девелоперских доков на NES от Nintendo и Konami  (Прочитано 4717 раз)

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Оффлайн alex

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вот что пишет автор
Scanned these docs a while ago,but too busy to make PDF and post them.So I decide to upload in raw scanned picture file now.

 All documents are in Japanese.
 All documents are originally in faxed copy(faxed from Japan about 20 yrs ago).
 There may be personal notes on these paper.They are developer's comments.I think it's better to keep them as is.
 Part of these documents seems to be used in project of porting Famicom and FDS game to another platform.FDS docs is still in scanning.

 Doc list:
 Famicom APU and PPU
 MMC 1
 MMC 3
 Konami VRC 2
 Konami VRC 6

 Hotfile links(All links are direct link,no download interval time limit):

 I scanned these docs by myself.But I'm not sure if they are already scanned by other guys.So if there is dupe,please reply and inform me.
 I'm will scan more docs but may not do it in a short time.(I'm a little busy on my real life job recently).


источник: http://www.assemblergames.com/forums/showthread.php?48390-Several-Famicom(NES)-misc-dev-documents-from-Nintendo-and-Konami

Оффлайн Inspector_Popabol

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Оперативно! Теперь попробуем написать эмулятор или сделать прошивку :cool:

Оффлайн s1nka

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Цитата: alex
 All documents are in Japanese.

Сурово. Осталось найти грамотного переводчика.

Оффлайн GManiac

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Тут без переводчика обошлись, первый пост

Оффлайн s1nka

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GManiac, как страшно использовать онлайн транслейтор в таких вещах. Я бы не доверился.

Оффлайн Sharpnull

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