Проверил кто ?
Я посмотрел, есть несколько отличий от сборки с OS13, мапперами от 9.1 и дополнительным набором мапперов которые я выкладывал.
005.RBF as of Oct 26, 2023
- MMC5 expansion audio included
- Corrected MMC5 pulse channel duties
- Primary default for OS v13
- Less compatibility with famiclones/CPUs that are not cycle accurate [ if CPU clock frequency is NOT equivalent to 1.789773 (NTSC 1.79 Mhz) or 1.662607 MHz (PAL 1.66 Mhz), issues will appear]
- Not all MMC5 games will work
030.RBF (Experimental)
- Include's Bananmos' Everdrive Mapper 30 v1 by default, but cannot save to sdcard. You can change this if you like
- Mapper 30 v1 works best for OS v13. Test ROM "Blackbox Challenge" has problems on the main menu, but the rest of the game works flawlessly without sdcard saves - sadly.
- Other flashfiles are included as each mapper file compatibility somehow differs per EDN8 OS
Mappers 71, 189, 191, 205, and 207 are ported, but not all of these implementations are stable on certain clones.