Автор Тема: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - метроидвания мечты от Коджи Игараши.  (Прочитано 98985 раз)

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Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #73: Development Update - Lighting Optimization, GOG Demo, and More

Hi everyone, IGA here.

We would like to give a report of our current development progress.

Lately, the team has been working on the lighting of the environment and the lip-sync of the characters.

We’re aiming for a 2D-style look and feel in this game, and we have special techniques in place to achieve it, but they also create additional developmental challenges for us. However, after a number of adjustments, as well as finding the right lighting angle and contrast, we finally feel that we’ve found the aesthetic we were searching for.

Recently we’ve also found a new method for the fog that is less computationally expensive for the environment. My slogan - always pursue more beautifully, and more lightly.

As for the lip-syncing, we’ve made adjustments to the height of the mouths, which were too large before. Right now we've only adjusted Miriam and Dominique, but it's looking good so far! We will continue to work on the rest of the characters the same way.

We’re also happy to announce the launch of the Beta Backer Demo for our GOG backers! We didn’t want to delay the launch of the demo while we completed preparations for its launch on GOG, but now we are able to distribute GOG versions of the demo to the people who chose it as their platform. We will continue to support the main game for GOG from here on, so please do not worry.

In addition to the adjustments I’ve told you about, we’re actually also working on the final boss right now. There were many issues and challenges that we are facing using the original design, but I guess that's pretty common for us. We have been developing new solutions each day and now we’re coming close to creating the final boss that everyone is hoping for. This will be the last time we talk about the final boss until the game's release—please look forward to it!


Оффлайн The GR

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Спас девку с кнутом, проигнорировал алхимика, убил вампира.
Вместо концовки - чёрный экран (потом пошли титры)  :neznayu:

Это потому что в режиме Ультимейт, или концовку на этот случай в принципе не рисовали?

А в целом Curse of the Moon понравилась.
Особенно сложность. Которая не для совсем даунов (как в последней Shantae), но и не для хардкорных задротов (как в Cuphead). В режиме олдскула играется приятно и интересно, разве что респаун жизней в ключевых местах можно было бы убрать.
Хотя секретки скучные. Банальные шорткаты и энергия/очки  <_<

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Это потому что в режиме Ультимейт, или концовку на этот случай в принципе не рисовали?

Глянь тут.

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #74: Development Update - The Killer Barber and More Progress

This time we would like to introduce a new enemy. This is Killer Barber, the murderous hairdresser. Well... the name really speaks for itself. He uses his scissor arms to climb across the ceiling and swiftly attack towards the player. This character can also—well, I should leave it at that for now.

When I see the Nightmare Mode enemy placements, I always wonder if it's okay to make a game this difficult. I’ve worked on enemy placement in games before, so I understand that the person making those decisions becomes more and more immune to difficulty level over time. I think that’s what’s happening to the team now—they’re getting a little vicious with it…

We've also been working on the models—we've been meticulously adjusting each character. In particular, we're focused on facial features. Gebel is looking more and more handsome these days...

We hope that today’s updates are as exciting for you as they are for us! The Killer Barber is a particularly nasty enemy. He doesn’t politely walk towards you, he quickly climbs around the walls and ceiling to attack from various angles. Weapon and shard choices really begin to matter when facing these more complex foes. I haven’t had the pleasure of fighting him in the game yet, but he’s going to be a fun one.

The before and after of Gebel is a small taste of the visual updates that have been happening behind the scenes.

We know everyone is waiting to see a more comprehensive view of the game’s visual improvements. A lot of that work is still in progress and not ready to be revealed. We are going to wait until the look of the game is mostly locked before we share.

The same applies for our release date. The number one question right now is “When?” and the second most popular is “approximately when?”. Until we hit certain internal development milestones we are not going to discuss the release date because there are still variables; we do not want to give out a date and then change it. Even saying Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter or 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter would result in confusion if we had to release slightly later or earlier than announced, or at the start or end of one of those cycles. We do have a target date internally that we feel confident about, but until we can nail it down, we will wait to reveal it.

I want to thank all of our backers and fans for your patience as work progresses on the game. The final game is going to be worth it.

Jason Ryan, a.k.a. “Question”

Sr Community Manager – 505 Games

« Последнее редактирование: 26 Октябрь 2018, 08:13:35 от Silver Dragon »

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #76: December Update - Development News and the Team at Work.

Merry Christmas. IGA here.

This year is coming closer to an end...

In this update, we have a very important announcement to make.  Bloodstained will no longer be supported on Mac and Linux. We have made this tough decision due to challenges of supporting middleware and online feature support and making sure we deliver on the rest of the scope for the game. We will be offering backers who planned to play the game on Mac and Linux the option to change the platform of their order. If you would like to change your platform, please send an email with your new platform request from the email address associated with your Kickstarter pledge. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and we hope for your understanding.

Development has reached its peak — we are currently checking the performance of Bloodstained on each platform. Overall, we are done with enemy placement and entering the adjustment phase. But there are still many progression-blocking bugs that must be taken care of.

It doesn't look like we are in a crunch period, does it? But we actually work quietly like this most of the time.

WayForward have already helped us improve the game in a number of ways, including creating incredible assets and lighting placements that we’re looking forward to.

Today we’d like to share a new enemy concept art. This is Forneus, a demon fish. I would hate to come face to face with him at an aquarium… Well, Forneus will be useful for cooking, and will surely be delicious.

Our whole team is working very hard. We look forward to your continued support.


Онлайн Mad

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Update #76: December Update - Development News and the Team at Work.

Merry Christmas. IGA here.

This year is coming closer to an end...

In this update, we have a very important announcement to make.  Bloodstained will no longer be supported on Mac and Linux. We have made this tough decision due to challenges of supporting middleware and online feature support and making sure we deliver on the rest of the scope for the game. We will be offering backers who planned to play the game on Mac and Linux the option to change the platform of their order. If you would like to change your platform, please send an email with your new platform request from the email address associated with your Kickstarter pledge. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and we hope for your understanding.

Development has reached its peak — we are currently checking the performance of Bloodstained on each platform. Overall, we are done with enemy placement and entering the adjustment phase. But there are still many progression-blocking bugs that must be taken care of.

It doesn't look like we are in a crunch period, does it? But we actually work quietly like this most of the time.

WayForward have already helped us improve the game in a number of ways, including creating incredible assets and lighting placements that we’re looking forward to.

Today we’d like to share a new enemy concept art. This is Forneus, a demon fish. I would hate to come face to face with him at an aquarium… Well, Forneus will be useful for cooking, and will surely be delicious.

Our whole team is working very hard. We look forward to your continued support.

Не будет Мак и Линукс версии потому что потому что. Тем, кто поддержал нас ради Мак и Линукс версии мы дадим опцию поменять  версию, ради которой вы нас поддерживаете. Это лучше чем ничего.
« Последнее редактирование: 28 Декабрь 2018, 22:52:47 от Mad »

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Чую, после этого и консольных версий ранее хрен он ещё чего выпросит у народа)

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #77: Development Update - Crafting Shards and Squashing Bugs

Hello everyone! IGA here.

We would like to talk about the shard-crafting system. We’ve discussed the crafting element of Bloodstained in the past, and I’m sure everyone knows about item crafting and the shard rank-up system from the Beta Backer Demo.

However, in addition to all those… you can actually create new shards from crafting!

Let's begin with an example. Riga Storaema is a Conjure Shard — these were formerly known as Trigger Shards — that conjures fire columns.

Rigo Storaema

If you upgrade this shard, you’ll be able to create a new Directional Shard called Riga Dohin.

Using an existing shard and materials to create a new shard. (You can keep your old one, too!)

(As a side note, the Riga Storaema shard you used as a base will not disappear after you’ve created a new shard; instead, the item used with the shard will disappear. In other words, the item acts as a catalyst to create a newly enhanced ability from the existing ability. So you get to use your favorite shard to create new ones without losing it. I think it's a pretty good deal!)

Voila! Riga Dohin.

Our current phase of development has been fixing bugs, bugs, and bugs... There was a particular bug that caused lighting to weigh heavily on system resources which is now gone. With that solved, we can now be more flexible with lighting, which we’re improving on a daily basis. We’re all working hard to deliver a solid game to everyone.

Last word:

Hey, all!

We hope you are excited for this reveal of shard crafting. Being able to gather the materials and develop additional shards (without losing your existing ones) will add greatly to your arsenal.

Between item crafting, upgrading shards and now being able to craft new shards (and upgrading those too), you’ll be able to choose the loadout that is just right for you and the enemies you’ll be facing. Managing your weapons, items and shards will be important as you get deeper into the game.

The screenshots above are from the current build of the game. This is just a small taste of some of the visual work that has been happening behind the scenes over the last few months. We will delve into the visual changes in a future development update.

We appreciate your patience as the teams from Artplay, WayForward and DICO are continuing their work on the game and we march towards our 2019 launch.


Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Release Window Announce Trailer:

Оффлайн Cheshire Kotovsky

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Silver Dragon, что-то графон совсем убогий для многомиллионного бюджета

Оффлайн Rockman Z

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Cheshire Kotovsky, ну там 5 лимонов от силы. Выглядит интересно, но видно часть все таки ушла на крэк и выпивку.

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Silver Dragon, что-то графон совсем убогий для многомиллионного бюджета

Я к графону никогда особо не придираюсь. Глаз не режет - уже хорошо.
В бете нормально игралось.

Оффлайн The GR

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Release Window Announce Trailer:

Чисто рескин недавнего Strider  :D

Оффлайн Cheshire Kotovsky

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Silver Dragon, да я как бы тоже не отношусь к графодрочерам, но блин сколько они собрали что мы получаем в итоге

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Silver Dragon, да я как бы тоже не отношусь к графодрочерам, но блин сколько они собрали что мы получаем в итоге

Итоги будут когда игра выйдет. 5 лямов это не так уж и много.

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Development Update 79 - Visual Improvements:


Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Nintendo Switch, PS4, or Vita

Оффлайн Vaitel

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Чё то с выходом всё тянут...когда её уже выпустят?

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Чё то с выходом всё тянут...когда её уже выпустят?

"Тянут" поскольку игре подтягивали визуальную часть. Ролик чуть выше.
Игру обещают выпустить летом.
« Последнее редактирование: 12 Март 2019, 06:40:53 от Silver Dragon »

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Игру обещают выпустить летом.
Надеюсь уже точно!

Оффлайн Rockman Z

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"Тянут" поскольку игре подтянгивали визуальную часть. Ролик чуть выше.
Игру обещают выпустить летом.
неплохо подтянули

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #83 from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Bloodstained will be launching June 18, 2019 on Steam, GoG, PS4 and XB1, and on June 25, 2019 for Switch.

We’re looking forward to announcing more very soon, including details about full game features, stretch goal content, how the game will be offered for sale and where, preorder info etc.


Оффлайн sonygod

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Отлично. Если будет предзаказ на пс4 оформлю.

Оффлайн paul_met

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Мне до сих пор не нравится этот тяжёлый механический бег героини.

Оффлайн Cheshire Kotovsky

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Silver Dragon, странный ролик. окай стилизация подъехала, сами модели все равно выглядят дешево)

Оффлайн Vaitel

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Уж очень напоминает Abyss Odissey!

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Watch This Before Buying Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night

Оффлайн Kyasubaru

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Мне до сих пор не нравится этот тяжёлый механический бег героини.
Тоже этот момент не нравиться. Может это не баг, а фича? Героиня ведь проклята и её тело превращается в кристалл =)
Но вроде бы в свежих роликах бег стал пободрей, нежели в самых ранних.

Оффлайн Silver Dragon

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Update #84 - Preorder update and launch information:

Hey everybody, Roberto (Angel-Corlux) from 505 here. Preorders for Bloodstained are live! (Different platforms at different times.) The base price for the game is $39.99, and we have a lot more to announce…

First, the official Bloodstained website is live here! You can visit the site to preorder, check out all the trailers and screenshots we’ve released, sign up for our newsletter, and more. Feel free to link people to this site if they ever ask “what’s Bloodstained?” or similar questions.

Important: All Kickstarter order addresses will be locked in and FINAL on Friday, May 31, 2019 @ 11:59pm US PT. If you need to change your delivery address, please do so now. Once the deadline passes we won’t be able to change any addresses, no exceptions! (If you no longer have your survey link, you can have it resent to you.) Soon you'll be receiving an email asking you to confirm or update your address: Please confirm it, even if your address is already correct, to ensure you receive your game as soon as possible.

We’re working very hard to make sure that everyone will receive their physical and digital game copies on launch day for their respective platform; we’ll of course be updating everyone as soon as we’re able to confirm this. All the backer rewards aside from the physical copies of the game will arrive later in a single shipment; we're doing it this way to reduce the chances of anything interfering with our goal of the backers getting their games at launch.

Also, there will be a delay for the Amano poster backer reward. It’s still happening and coming your way, Amano-san has just been exceedingly busy, and when faced with a choice between having someone else do the art so the reward would come on time or having Amano make it, even if it comes a little late, I chose the latter. Hopefully you all agree we made the right choice, but we apologize for the delay nonetheless. :) Will communicate more about this as soon as we can.

Speaking of backer rewards…stretch goals! Stretch goals will be coming after the game launches and will be free content updates for everyone who owns the game, not just backers. We are currently on track to update the game on day one with Boss Rush and Speedrun mode, as well as the Pure Miriam outfit.

Here’s a list of all the extra content coming later. No content has been cut from the stretch goals, so if you think anything is missing call it out and I’ll confirm / clarify. (There’s a lot to keep track of! ; _ ; )

  • Two additional playable characters
  • Local and online multiplayer for certain co-op and vs. modes
  • Roguelike mode
  • Chaos mode
  • Classic mode
  • Boss Revenge mode
Stay tuned for trailers and announcements of when this content will be launching!

As many of you will remember, we also asked the community a while back if they were against us making the ‘backer exclusive’ content (Iga Boss and Swordwhip) available to all players in some fashion. Almost 30,000 of you replied and the overwhelming response was that in general you were ok with it, and the most popular option was to sell it at a price that would respect the purchase the backers originally made.

To that end we’re announcing the “Iga’s Back Pack” DLC for $9.99, launching on June 18, 2019 for PS4, XB1 and PC, June 25, 2019 for Switch. Players who purchase this DLC will be able to fight the game’s creator, Koji Igarashi himself, and earn the powerful Swordwhip weapon by defeating him.

 To try and be as transparent as possible, making this content available to everyone wasn’t just about making money. I mean obviously that’s a part of it, but the chief things I was considering was making sure everyone had a safe and legitimate way to get the full game experience no matter when they find out about Bloodstained, whether that’s 5 months ago or 5 years from now, and that we were being respectful of the price backers originally paid (hence the DLC pricing).

 As someone who’s pirated games because of bull**** anti-consumer practices, or as a demo to try and then buy (something largely made obsolete by modern refund systems), I wanted to eliminate as many reasons to pirate Bloodstained as possible. All of the above = the “Iga’s Back Pack” DLC. Hope that makes sense. I understand that not everyone will be 100% happy with this decision, but hopefully this helps in understanding the reasoning behind it. And of course all backers entitled to this content will receive the DLC for free.

And finally, it was recently revealed that certain retailers would be giving away a Bloodstained FuturePak steel case for preorders of the game while supplies lasted. I’m happy to announce that we will be selling 800 stand-alone FuturePak steel cases for $14.99 exclusively to backers.

These cases feature a glossy metal renditioning of Mana Ikeda’s fantastic box art for the game, and an internal hinge so when fully opened the case creates a flat surface to display the art. The cases hold game discs and Switch cartridges. We’ll be sure to announce exactly when these will go on sale, so stay tuned!

That’s it for today everyone, as always, thank you for all your incredible support, this community is one of the most amazing I’ve ever seen. Come talk to us on Discord, we actually reply! And listen! It’s crazy, I know! :P Talk to you soon…

Roberto Piraino


Global Brand Manager

505 Games


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Кто еще сделал предзаказ кроме меня а? колитесь  :).