*Пост из серии "чисто поржать", топикстартер сегодня радостный*
Обновилась линейка 5.30-5.31:
http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14097 What's new for version 5.31 (01/17/2017)
- Reworked screen upscalers, put back the 4:3 VGA aspect ratio.
- Changed the default screen upscaler to 1 (2x size).
- Fixed a bug reading the screen size setting from config file.
- Fixed motion blur flag parsing from config file.
- Fixed hotkeys, DiskDude detection and PPU clipping enable/disable flags.
- Fixed a few values in the "Restore defaults" option.
- Fixed mapper 90 IRQs, no more flickering scorebars.
- Fixed mappers 101 (Jaleco JF-10) and 243 (SACHEN).
- Added mapper 150 (SACHEN v2) and removed mapper 110 (bad number).
- On ROM loading, the mapper number is now displayed if not supported.
- Fixed grayscales and mushroom color styles.
- Improved red, green and blue emphasis color styles.
- Improved magenta color style, looks much better.
- Added 3 new color styles: olive, nocturn and sketch.
- Replaced the negative sepia color style by sepia alt. brightness.
- Fixed various typos in the GUI dialogs.
- Added a short main menu if the resolution is less than 480p.
- Program version information was outdated! It's ok now.
- Other minor fixes there and there, cleanups.
- New superb program icon!
What's new for version 5.30d (01/14/2017)
- Fixed program behaviour on startup, now it runs in background again.
- Fixed mapper 32 (Irem G-101).
- Fixed a bug setting mapper 90 nametable control flag.
- Fixed APU volume clipping.
- A few color style labels were slightly changed.
What's new for version 5.30c (01/12/2017)
- Fixed a bug in triple buffering mode, no more flashing on blitter change.
- Fixed a bug on color style change.
- Fixed a bug setting GUI colors, always use the main palette.
What's new for version 5.30b (01/11/2017)
- Fixed a few problems in the GUI dialogs.
- Fixed a yellow vertical scanline in the 4x squared blitter.
- Fixed a glitch displaying status messages during gameplay.
- Triple buffering should set the video flag to fullscreen, fixed.
- Fixed PPU clipping and motion blur enable/disable flags in the GUI.
- Fixed version number in the documentation.
What's new for version 5.30 (01/10/2017)
- Major revision of the graphics module and startup.
- Full rewrite of the game screen upscalers.
- Removed 4:3 aspect and pixelated blitters, prior to NTSC aspect ratio (squared).
- Removed the [!] menu from the GUI, general menu rework done.
- Removed frame scanline interpolation/flickering.
- Replaced the RGB color style with a new one.
- Fixed a couple of emulator startup obscure problems.
- Fixed switching to fullscreen/windowed modes.
- Added option to save your custom fullscreen mode.
- Added option to restore all the default settings.
- Motion blur filtering tweaked a bit.
- Fixed CHR ROM bankswitch state on savestate loading. This way, PTB tagged blocks (1 byte) were replaced by PAT tagged blocks (2 bytes long). Old files are still compatible to avoid problems.
- Fixed a bug in the LSR ($20) CPU instruction.
- Fixed "value MOD zero" in the PRG bankswitching system.
- Fixed mapper 25, IRQs should work ok.
- Fixed mapper 227 and adjusted it to work with 600in1 cart.
- Added mapper 90 nametable control enable/disable (mapper 211).
- Added key mapping for turbo buttoms.
- Added a quick fix for bad NSF files (should be bankswtiched).
- Added PRG ROM and CHR ROM CRC32 calculations.
- Changed "Header info" to "File info".
- Removed mapper 72 due to the bad support and unsupported features.
- Fixed a couple of errors in the documentation (rocknes.txt).
- Moved the iNES header description into a separated file.
- General code rewrites, major cleanups and many cosmetic changes.
Автор закоренелый олдфаг, фильтров не было и не будет (просить бесполезно, проверено).
Я несколько лет уламывал его на турбокнопки. И к 2017 году таки достучался, карл. Ну надо же!!!

Этот эмулятор настолько никому
не нужен со своим чудо-интерфейсом, что им никто не пользуется и не тестирует.
Отзывов вообще нет, с чего бы это, лол?

Я хочу дожить до того дня, когда в графе about будет красоваться "(с) 1998-2018"
на фоне окошек в DOS-стиле. Это будет винрар! Я даже пива куплю, чтобы обмыть эту круглую дату

Главное -
гнуть свою линию и не сдаваться под влиянием моды и общественного мнения. Мужык.