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Оффлайн DANGER X

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Help for music hacking in Ninja Gaiden (NES) game
« : 28 Февраль 2017, 23:02:10 »
Well, as some of you may know, we are a group of guys working on a Ninja Gaiden hack, turning the game into a Deadpool game, changing graphics for stage, enemies, bosses and the protagonist itself.

We have managed to do more stuff, like new habilities on the game, but we have a big problem.

We don't know how to add music from other games or new music (done for .nes files).

Someone here knows how to do that?
It's possible to add music for any other game or are limitations that just allow certain games to be edited?
It's someone interested to join in the music department?

We really, reaaaaaally need help with that, because the game is already looking as a new game, not just an easy hack, but having the same old music doesn't help that feeling.

You can see what we have done here (we even make a demo release in Reply #44 if you are interested)

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