Автор Тема: Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks  (Прочитано 5507 раз)

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Оффлайн Candra Software

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« : 18 Октябрь 2017, 22:34:39 »
After 5 years of creating Streets of Rage ROM Hacks, I'd like to share them here. (После 5 лет создания Streets of Rage ROM Hacks я хотел бы поделиться ими здесь.)

The abbreviations indicate the original ROM to be be patched over. (Аббревиатуры указывают, что исходное ПЗУ должно быть исправлено.)

SOR2 = Streets of Rage 2 (US)
BKII = Bare Knuckle II (JP) / Streets of Rage II (EU)
SOR3 = Streets of Rage 3 (US)
BKIII = Bare Knuckle III (JP)

Streets of Rage 3: Punksure (SOR3)


Streets of Rage 3: Pokémon Edition (SOR3)


Streets of Rage 2: Cosmic Mix (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Puyo Wars (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Sonic Wars (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Girls' Paradise (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Simpsons Edition (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Sonic and Miku (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 2: Battletoads and Double Dragon (SOR2)


King of the Rage Streets 2 (SOR2)


Streets of Rage 3: Dragon Ball Edition (SOR3)


Streets of Rage 3: Candra Returns (SOR3)


Fight 'n Rage 3 (SOR3)


Other Hacks

Chocobo Knuckle III (BKIII)

Lorenzo Fighters 2 (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Mortal Kombat (SOR2)
« Последнее редактирование: 18 Октябрь 2017, 23:07:26 от Candra Software »

Оффлайн savokgear

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #1 : 19 Октябрь 2017, 03:03:42 »
Streets of Rage 2: Puyo Wars (SOR2) it's your hack? amazing!

Оффлайн Candra Software

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #2 : 19 Октябрь 2017, 05:16:48 »
Yes, I did create some of these hacks under a different name.

Оффлайн Segaman

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #3 : 20 Октябрь 2017, 04:21:23 »

Оффлайн Sophie Lhant

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #4 : 20 Октябрь 2017, 09:44:49 »

Оффлайн Roket

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #5 : 21 Октябрь 2017, 20:10:49 »
Сегодня стрим в 20:20 мск [SMD] Streets of rage hacks Смотрим на:
Поддержать канал: http://donatepay.ru/donation/romhack

Оффлайн AuAurora

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #6 : 21 Октябрь 2017, 23:24:47 »
Oh my, how nice! Thank you very very much :)

Оффлайн Candra Software

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #7 : 21 Октябрь 2017, 23:40:50 »
You're welcome. Enjoy which one of my ROM Hacks as you'd like!

Онлайн Maximum

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #8 : 22 Октябрь 2017, 00:03:54 »
Looks amazing and creative.

Оффлайн Candra Software

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #9 : 22 Октябрь 2017, 09:50:17 »
I just fixed a huge graphic glitch in Stage 7A-3 in Fight 'n Rage 3.

Оффлайн Cinder

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #10 : 26 Октябрь 2017, 14:33:49 »
Pimple rocks!

Оффлайн ghostdog3

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #11 : 26 Октябрь 2017, 21:06:06 »
Candra Software, thanks! I'll definitely try Fight'n Rage 3, Puyo Wars and Girls Paradise.

Оффлайн Candra Software

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Streets of Rage ROM Hacks by Candra/Yoni
« Ответ #12 : 21 Март 2020, 03:31:41 »
(I can't figure out how to edit an existing message)

After 5 years of creating Streets of Rage ROM Hacks, I'd like to share them here. (После 5 лет создания Streets of Rage ROM Hacks я хотел бы поделиться ими здесь.)

Google Drive Folder:

The abbreviations indicate the original ROM to be be patched over. (Аббревиатуры указывают, что исходное ПЗУ должно быть исправлено.)

SOR2 = Streets of Rage 2 (US)
BKII = Bare Knuckle II (JP) / Streets of Rage II (EU)
SOR3 = Streets of Rage 3 (US)
BKIII = Bare Knuckle III (JP)

Streets of Rage 3: Punksure (SOR3)

Streets of Rage 3: Pokémon Edition (SOR3)

Streets of Rage 2: Cosmic Mix (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Puyo Wars (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Sonic Wars (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Girls' Paradise (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Simpsons Edition (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Sonic and Miku (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Battletoads and Double Dragon (SOR2)

King of the Rage Streets 2 (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 3: Dragon Ball Edition (SOR3)

Streets of Rage 3: Candra Returns (SOR3)

Fight 'n Rage 3 (SOR3)

Other Hacks

Chocobo Knuckle III (BKIII)

Streets of Rage 2: Kathy's Quest (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Doraemon (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Mortal Kombat CX (SOR2)

Streets of Rage 2: Sailor Moon (SOR2)

Оффлайн AuAurora

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Candra Software's Streets of Rage ROM Hacks
« Ответ #13 : 21 Март 2020, 13:14:40 »