Автор Тема: Request : Atari ST (Cheats Within Games )  (Прочитано 454 раз)

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Оффлайн escc1986

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Request : Atari ST (Cheats Within Games )
« : 30 Апрель 2021, 00:00:44 »
Hi Everyone

I have a few Question , Hope someone will be able to answer them :)

I recently discovered the Atari St and it's a pretty cool system  , I enjoy some of the titles as there diffenrt and I like them , i do want to know if someone hacks them with cheats in them

Is there a thread in here that has Atari ST games with cheats implemented in them already ?

May I Post Atari ST games codes request in the All Cheats & Mods Section ?

Hope someone is able to help me  answer these questions

Some games that I have tried and would love to request codes for are


The Munsters

Back to the Future 2


Beverly Hills Cop

Thank you all in advanced