Автор Тема: Adding Custom ADPCM Sounds in a PSX Game: NBA Jam T.E.  (Прочитано 482 раз)

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Оффлайн eskayelle

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Hello.  I'm following the tutorial provided on this forum (http://www.psxdev.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=3506) as it pertains to adding custom sounds to a PSX game.  I've come across the "glitch" noted by the tutorial whereby the sound does not play in either PSound or in the game.  I've added 16-32 bytes from the original sound clip to replace the end of the new clip, but that is not working.

From what I can tell, the sounds are mono, 16-bit samples, and approximately 18,000 Hz, based on my tests in MFAudio.  I apply those settings to my custom sound in Audacity and save as a 16-bit PCM.  I save the sound using MFAudio as a compressed VAG and that does not work.  I save as a RAW compressed ADPCM, and that does not work either.

Has anyone worked on PSX sound clips?  Is there some step I'm missing?  Is there another soultion you'd suggest?

SOLVED!  An overwrite of a sound clip ripped from PSound is needed.
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Май 2021, 04:31:47 от eskayelle »