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Оффлайн TAMarcosTranslations

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[SMD] Неполноценный хак FIFA 95
« : 07 Январь 2025, 20:29:39 »
Hi all,

I worked around 5-6 years ago on a romhack called "FIFA Soccer 2020" where I updated championships, teams, players, skills in order to find a realistic performance of teams and players during the season 2019-2020. I remember editing all this stuff was hard since there was a lot of information to modify.

Early in 2024, after stopping a couple of projects I had, including 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and MSU-MD Futebol, I thought that it would be cool to make something that I couldn't feel the stress of releasing something on time as it happened with FIFA Soccer 2020.

I decided to go with FIFA Soccer 91, based on the first season I started to watch and like football, season 1990-91, after the World Cup in Italy.
This project has the following features.

- Finally teams with a palette for socks.
- Finally teams with stripped shirts.
- New design for menus.
- Finally a game with a real 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy with all 24 national football teams and squad.
- New voices inserted for the crowd and for celebrations.
- New intro
- Championships:
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. England
4. Argentina
5. France
6. Germany
7. Italy
8. Soviet Union
9. World Cup Italy 90.

I am going to share pictures of this project.

What is pending:
Besides the edition of a lot of clubs kits, players and skills, I would like to modify the following:

- Clubs tournaments divided into groups like in FIFA Soccer 96 or World Cup mode in FIFA 95.
- Edit the trophies in order to use real trophies depending on the championship played.
- Know more on how to unpack files from Refback compression.
- Analysing the game, some files here have qcf and qcb extension. Also pal extension, which I assume is the extension for color palettes.

Any help is welcome.

In further posts I will share how to edit FIFA Soccer 95 and see if you guys with the info I will share, you can create a tool.

« Последнее редактирование: 08 Январь 2025, 00:27:23 от TAMarcosTranslations »

Оффлайн TAMarcosTranslations

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  • https://ta-marcos-translations.blogspot.com/
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[SMD] Неполноценный хак FIFA 95
« Ответ #1 : 08 Январь 2025, 00:29:59 »
In further posts I will share how to edit FIFA Soccer 95 and see if you guys with the info I will share, you can create a tool.


Taking England as an example, where our lovely friend Frank Barchard is playing as a midfielder (He was the person who wrote the Refpack algorithm to compress data in FIFA saga for Sega Mega Drive).

Let's go to hex address 0017A4C4 , where all the info for England national team and its players are there.

01 35 -> Pointer for England name. (see pointers section)
01 67 -> Pointer for Home Kit code (see uniforms section)
01 6A -> Pointer for Away Kit code (see uniforms section)
00 00 -> Separator
0F 07 07 -> Banner colors (See colors section)
0A 09 09 08 0A 0C 09 -> Team parameters #1. Order by 1 bite: Shooting, Running, Passing, Defense, Tackling, Goalies and Overall.
03 -> Strategy (See strategy section)
00 -> Separator
00 -> Formation (See formation section)
28 12 57 25 -> Coverage
08 08 -> Team parameters #2. Order by 1 bite: Midfield and Attack.
10 -> Separator

Every team has 16 players. I am going to share just the first example. The 15 rest has the same structure:
00 B5 -> Pointer for the name of the player (N. Channon)
01 -> Position and number: Number 1, position Goalkeeper. (See position and numbers section)
6A A9 98 A9 AD DA A9 -> Half byte for parameter in this order: Skill , Speed, Agility, Accel, Reaction, Shot Acc, Passing, Aggression, Bycicles, Headers, Ball Ctrl, Shot Pow, Fitness and Awareness. Total: 14 parameters: That means:
Skill: 75
Speed: 86
Agility: 86
Accel: 83
Reaction: 83
Shot Acc: 80
Passing: 86
Aggression: 83
Bycicles: 86
Headers: 93
Ball Ctrl: 93
Shot Pow: 86
Fitness: 86
Awareness 83
(See parameters section)

Use of pointers here are very simple compared to how they programmed it in FIFA Soccer 96 and onwards.
Just go to the address where the pointer is located and add the value of the pointer itself in order to get what is pointing.
Two examples:

Address of the pointer for England's name: 17 A4 C4
Pointer for England's name: 01 35
17A4C4 + 135 = 17A5F9 = England

Address of the pointer for F. Barchard's name: 17 A5 26
Pointer for F. Barchard's name: 00 63
17A526 + 63 = 17A589 = F. Barchard

For the banner, every byte from 04 to 10 has its own color as follows:
04 Green
05 Turquoise
06 Blue
07 Red
08 Yellow
09 Brown
0A Orange
0B Black
0C Green
0D Green
OE Gray
0F White
10 Purple

00 : None
01: Long Ball
02: All Defense
03: Attac
04: Defense
05: All attack

00: 3-5-2   
01: 4-4-2
02: Sweeper
03: 4-2-4   
04: 4-3-3

Team skills are represented by a bar not for a decimal number. This is just an interpretation of how long will be the bar depending on the value inserted.
Team skills use a single byte for any of the bars. Players skills use just half a byte as it was explained above.

Dec Team Hex Player Hex
60        00            0
62        01            1
65        02            2
67        03            3
70        04            4
73        05            5
75        06            6
78        07            7
80        08            8
83        09            9
86        0A            A
88        0B            B
91        0C            C
93        0D            D
96        0E             E
99        0F             F

See attached a picture with a table explaining this. In orange, the numbers used by position in the original game.

I hope it helps.
I will give instructions for more relevant things to hack.
« Последнее редактирование: 08 Январь 2025, 00:56:17 от TAMarcosTranslations »