с gamefaq`ов
1."Te voy a matar" 1."Im going to kill you!"
2."No dejes que escape de la isla 2."Dont let him get away from island
vivo" alive"
3."Mira!... esta herido" 3."Look! he is hurt"
4."Ahi esta!" 4."There he is"
5."Morir es vivir" 5."To die is to live"
6."Gojedlo!" 6."Grab him!"
7."Detras de ti, imbecil!" 7."Behind, you imbecil!"
8."Te coji!" 8."Gotcha!" or "I **** you"
9."Muere, muere...." 9."Die, die...."
10."Sera mejor que empiezes a rezar" 10."You Better start praying"
11."Basta hijo de ****" 11."Stop you son of *****"
12."Matenlo!" 12."Kill HIM!"
13."Muerete!" 13."DIE!"
14."Te voy a romper en pedazos" 14."I'll breack you in to pieces"
15."Un forastero!" 15."A foreigner!" or "A stranger!"
16."Cerebro, cerebro, cerebro" 16."Brain, brain, brain"
17."Es hora de aplastar(lo)" 17."Is time to crush (crush him)"
18."Mi**da" 18."Poo"
19."Puedes correr pero no resistir" 19."You can run but can't resist"
20."Te voy hacer picadillo" 20."I'll make you mincemeat"
21."Sos cerdo" 21."You are a pig"
22."Donde estas?!" 22."Where are you?!"
23."Esta en la trampa!" 23."She/He's in the trap"
24."Dale!" 24."Hit him!"