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Сообщения - Tomy

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Have you fix SHEEVA "FINISH HIM !!" hang problem ?
I testing on build (4046) now. Seems everything ok.


Have you solve Sheeva "FINISH HIM !!" bugs with your new build ?


I tested build 3983, Seems hang problem fixed. Because running over 20 hours without hang. But big fighter screen bugs still exist.

(Tested on my MegaDrive 1 NTSC, after that I'll test other model)


Another new bugs found.
Here : http://www.tototek.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=10143#10143
Please check, thank you.


> But now you can test this version - I tested, and 23 hours debugger have no bugs

Can you tell me what debugger you use ?

I just back to Hong Kong and testing your new build 3833 now. I'll tell you result after the test. Thank you.

Добавлено позже:

I just tested your new build 3833, it still hang. Please check here :

I still testing new rom, seems second floor bugs free now. I tested many hours, no hang. Only hang once before (Sheeva FINISH HIM/HER)

New found, Address Error. Please check from the same post in tototek forum. Thanks.

ALEX_230_VOLT : Sorry, this is my mistake, sorry to him.

KABAL : I just tested new rom. 2nd floor bugs still exist. White screen hang after about 10mins. Now, you think it is my hardware problem ? Because I beleive your software is good. But I have no idea how to fix my hardware. I tried some fix before I post here. But it don't help. Rom area 800000-9FFFFF is only graphic, right ? Many subroutines will access this area ? Or only loaded before FIGHT ? Sorry, so many question.


Wow, thank you. Ok, I'll test it and give you result. Do you have hardware to test your BIN ? How can you find bugs ? If everything going well, work fine, then I'm going to ship you my hardware.  :)

Oh, bad luck, it hang again.

No idea is software or hardware problem. I'll check my hardware.


I testing your latest build for many hours now. Running many hours now. Still no hang. I'll keep testing and report you. Thank you.

Edit :
After 5 hours, it has white screen and has (hang) sound. After about 2 seconds white screen, it come back normal again. No hang. Then next two demo fight screen (have two big fighters on screen, left and right). The right hand side fighter have bad image (not too bad). After that, all come back to normal. Image ok, no hang too. I don't know it is rom's bugs or my hardware bugs. But no hang is good ! I keep testing, hope it is really no hang again.


Thank you, I'm waitting for your new rom to test.  :D


Yes, now, no hang (white screen hang), no error from internal debugger. (I running over 5 hours demo) Great ! So, now seems the problem is 2nd floor. I'll test more on my hardware. I hope it never hang again.

>And how in your debugger I can change buttons in the keyboard, if I want play for find bugs?
You mean the emulator ? I'm not the Author, the Author also called tommy, but not me. Sorry.


> Tommy, I think, this eliminated errors:
> http://ifolder.ru/11077831

I tested, bug in address 0x49DEEE seems fixed. But white screen hang still exist. Anyway, thanks for your fix.  :lol:


The bug in the above picture is when PC running at address 0x49DEEE, CPU read data from address 0x0F0027. Because this address is Odd number.(you can't read word from odd address) So, it got error (Address Error). This is in game debugger. (Included in the game)
I test this http://ifolder.ru/11015668
But still have white screen hang. Because I'm busy, i just let my Genesis run demo.
Today is lucky, I saw how it hang. Two fighter fighting, one punch another up to second floor. Then screen white, music hang, game hang. Seems, first floor change to second floor will make it hang. But not always, only sometimes. Any idea ?


I just tested your new rom. Now have error screen.

Please check, thanks.


Here is my real hardware running : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bt5HiaE7-0
It run without error code, but will have white screen hang after some time. It is because read data from 0x800000-0x9FFFFF cause the problem. If use bank switch select rom area, then read data shouldn't be problem.
After minor modify of my hardware, now, it run over 5 hours no white screen hang. But later, it hang again. This time no white screen hang. It just hang, screen stop. Will try more test.
Can you try again register my forum ? I checked, seems it won't ban any email address. I want to give you my hardware when it is stable. Because you used so much time develop the game. I want to give it to you as a gift.


Thank you very much for your fix !! I tested your latest build 3711. It run on real hardware without problem. (Genesis v1 NTSC) No more error messange on the screen now. But after half hour or a hour, white screen and hang. But this time maybe my hardware problem. I'll try to fix it. Can you email me (tomy at tototek.com) ? I want to talk to you. Thanks.

I have make a cartridge support 80M. But your hack have too many bugs.
Seems, all bugs is because read/write word/long to odd address.
So, your hack can't run on real hardware. Please fix. Thank you.

It is some of the bugs :
0x00054D2C: 0x33FC 0x0005 0x00FF 0xF233         MOVE.W   #0x5,0xFFF233

and here : (if A1 have odd address, it is error)
0x0000FF18: 0x225D                              MOVEA.L  (A5)+,A1
0x0000FF1A: 0x3829 0x002E                    MOVE.W   (0x2E,A1),D4
0x0000FF1E: 0x3A29 0x0030                    MOVE.W   (0x30,A1),D5

It is illegal on real hardware.

The above error is show on my TV when running on real hardware.
I have post some picture here : http://www.thegshi.org/vb/showthread.php?t=1066&page=16

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