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Сообщения - MKPrince

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Kabal, do you think in the coming updates you can give UMK3 Jade her original fighting stance
and Sindel back her missing levitation sprites after her victory pose like in MK3.

Hey, Has anyone tried to put Kabal_MK's hack on a Genesis Flash Card yet to see if it will play on a real Sega Genesis.


Very nice update as always, I have a question about the backgrounds, do you think you could put them in there original order as so:

Scorpion's Lair
Kahn's Kave
The Lost World
Jades Desert
River Kombat
The Subway (A Uppercut Will Send You To The Street)
The Street (With Flying Garbage)
The Bank
The Rooftop
The Balcony
The Bridge (With Flying Garbage)
The Soul Chamber (A Uppercut Will Send You To Back To The Balcony)
Shao Kahn's Tower
The Temple (With Missing Candles & Lit Torches)
The Graveyard (If Added)
Noob's Dorfin (If Added)
The Pit
Pit 2
Pit 3

Here is a picture icons of Khameleom I made if you want to use it.

Here Are Some Of The Official Bios For The Following Characters:
Smoke, unit LK-7T2, is the third prototype cyber-ninja built by the Lin Kuei. He tried to escape the automation process with Sub-Zero but was captured. His memories were stripped away, leaving behind an emotionless killer. However, Sub-Zero believes that within this machine is a human soul trying to escape.
Baraka MKT Bio & Ending
Baraka was sent to quell the uprising of a renegade race in Outworld's lower regions. After his victorious battle, the nomadic warrior returned to fight on the side of villainy. Under the guidance of Shao Kahn, Baraka will once again pose a formidable threat to his earthen counter parts.
When Baraka's failure to apprehend several Earth warriors nearly results in Shao Kahn's demise, the nomad finds himself fearing for his own life. He falls out of favor with his Emperor, and realizes that it's only a matter time before Kahn enacts revenge. Baraka remains loyal until the opposition from the Earth Realm has been defeated.
With Kahn in a weakened state from his battle with Raiden, Baraka strikes. The despondent Emperor is no match for Baraka's attack. Then, fearing reprisal from those loyal to Kahn, Baraka escapes back into nomadic ruins from which he came.
MK1 & MK2 Rayden MKT Bio
As Earth's sworn protector, Rayden finds himself banished in the merger between Earth and Outworld. When the Elder Gods refuse to assist him in aiding the Earth, he is forced to take matters into his own hands. He transforms himself into a mortal warrior to fight alongside his human comrades - this time risking his place in the pantheon of gods and giving up his own immortality.
MK1 & MK2 Rayden's MKT Ending
When Outworld and Earth merge, Raiden finds himself battling Shao Kahn without the assistance of the Elder Gods. The Thunder God must transform into a mortal in order to exist in the combined realms.
When he does this, he puts his own immortality at risk. But Raiden has always found ways of fouling Kahn's plots. He guides the chosen Earth warriors into battle against the Outworld Emperor's armies, then finally faces Kahn himself.
The powerful beings fight until the very core of the Earth is shaken, and Raiden emerges victorious.
MKT Johnny Cage Bio & Ending
Killed in battle with an Outworld extermination squad, Johnny Cage's life came to a tragic end. But the celluloid superstar manages to cheat death when his path to the after life is blocked by the merger of Earth and Outworld. His soul takes possession of his body once again and enables Cage to rejoin his friends to battle for Earth's survival.
With his nearly deceased soul restored, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting alongside his friends once again. This time he seeks revenge against the extermination squad that took his life. But during their battle, Cage learns that if they wins against Kahn, his soul will again be deceased when Earth reverts back to normal.
Knowing this, the movie star embarks on a one way mission to destroy Shao Kahn. His extermination fuels his fellow warriors as they embark on one final onslaght against the evil emporer. The Earth warriors emerge victorious and when the realms revert to their normal state, Cage bids farewell to his comrades as his soul leaves to a higher place.
Goro Bio
Goro, a 2000 year old half human/dragon, remains undefeated for the past 500 years. He won the title of Grand Champion by defeating Kung Lao, a Shaolin fighting monk. It was during this period that the tournament became corrupted as it fell into the hands of Shang Tsung.
Kintaro Bio
With Goro missing, Kintaro steps up to take his place as Supreme Ruler of Shao Kahn's armies. Stronger and more agile than his predecessor, he is enraged by Goro's defeat. Kintaro vows to take revenge on the Earth warriors responsible.
Motaro Bio
In the realm of the Outworld, Motaro's race of Centaurians has long since come into conflict with the Shokan. When Shao Kahn formed special extermination squads to eliminate the chosen warriors of Earth, Motaro was appointed to headthis elite group of savage warriors.
Shao Kahn Bio
Long ago, Shao Kahn rose to power in the Outworld, usurping the realm from Kitana's parents and taking Queen Sindel for his bride. Then she died. Now, centuries later, Sindel is reborn. And since Shang Tsung failed to win the Earth Realm through Mortal Kombat I and II, her rebirth is the means by which Kahn will finally seize the planet forever unless...
Khameleon(Officilly Her Bio Because Male Cameleon Didn't Have An Bio Or Ending)
Reptile was once thought to be the last member of an extinct race of reptilian creatures, until the appearance of Khameleon. She alone knows the truth about their history and chooses to fight on the side of Earth. Making the last survivors of their race lethal enemies.
Khameleon's former race were known as raptors. They evolved millions of years ago on Earth into intelligent creatures but fled the realm when it was destroyed in a battle between the gods. They repopulated a new realm known as Zaterra only to be driven to extinction by Shao Kahn when they lost to Outworld in Mortal Kombat. With Shao Kahn near victory against Earth, Khameleon contacts Reptile and shares the truth about their race with him. This turns him against Kahn, allowing Khameleon to lead a sneak attack against the emperor. This last battle results in the end of Shao Kahn and unification of Earth, giving Reptile and Khameleon the chance to beget a new generation of raptors.
Well that's it for some of the bios and endings corrections, also could we get some better vs screen images for some characters because its is very noticeable some of there parts are missing, but other that than that, GREAT JOB AS ALWAYS, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Hey, I notice that after the latest patches, Nightwolf lost his Teleport Shield move, computer still does it in demo more, but when I do it, he just does an uppercut.

Kabal_MK, Once Again Great Job With The Hack, I was wonder after you add Sheeva, maybe you could do the following:

*Add Missing Special Moves For MK Trilogy*
Stryker's Double Low & High Bombs
Sindel's Double Fireball
Sektor's Double Missle
Baraka's Blade Spin
MK2 Jax's Sonic Wave In The Air
Kano Psycho Cannon Ball
MK1 Kano's Knife Spin
MK3 Kung Lao's Double Teleport
Enable MK3 Kung Lao's Spin To Go From Left To Right
Liu Kang's Red Bicycle Kick
Goro's Twirl Spin
Kintaro's Grab & Smash
Enable MK1 Rayden To Do Torpedo In The Air
Enable UMK3 Jade To Do Fan Toss In The Air

*New Moves For Characters
MK3 Sonya: Double Ring Toss & Maybe A Airthrow
MK1 Sonya & Liu Kang: Bicycle Kick
MK1 Reptile: Freeze, Spear, And Teleport Punch
Give All MK2 Characters Crouching Low Punch

*New/Update Finishing Moves
Sonya Fatality 4: Shoot Lots Of Enery Rings Until Opponent Explodes
Kitana Fatality 2: UMK3 Arcade/MKT Version Of The Kiss Of Death
Shao Kahn Fatality 3: Make MKT N64 Version
Motaro Fatality 3: New Finishing Move Involing His Tail?
Stryker Friendship: Make Like UMK3 Arcade(Characters Running Instead Of Dogs)
Scorpion Fatality 1: Make Scorpion Pack From UMK3 Arcade
Scorpion Fatality 3: Make Hand From Hell From MKT
Ermac Fatality 3: Rain's Fatality 3 Instead(Make Sense)
Rain Fatality 3: New
Noob Saibot Fatality 2: Make Like MKT Verison
Human Smoke Fatality 2: Make Smoke Pack?
Ermac, Human Smoke, Noob Saibot Friendship: Make Like MKT Versions

*New Codes & Missing Props
Stage Select
New & Missing Kombat Codes From UMK3 Arcade/MKT, ex, 666-444(Take You To Scorpion's Lair)
Shao Kahn Tower Bottom Levels Redone
Flying Trash On The Street & Bridge Stage
Fire In Torches In The Balcony
Missing Candles & Fire Torches In The Temple
Player 2 Random Select Needs To Be Move To Khameleon Instead Of Sindel
Endurance Mode For UMK3/MK2/MK1/ Character Pictures Fixed
Better Quality Character Select Pictures(ex. Human Smoke, MK2 Smoke, MK2 Noob Saibot)

Missing Sindel Levitation Win Pose
Once Sheeva Is Added, Do You Think That She Could Be Move To Her Orginal Shot In The Game(Where Khameleon Is Located In The Game)
More Backgrounds

*Idea For Chameleon and Khameleon

Chameleon: Instead Him Always Being In The Same Pose & Changing Colors Every 5 secs, Why Not Have Him Morph Into The Actual Ninjas Every 5 secs. and Make Him Alitte Transparent at the same time, ex, when he morphs into Ermac, he has Ermac Moves & Finishing Moves, same with the rest of the ninjas

Khameleon: Make Her Palette Grey Like MKT N64 Version, and have her name change colors about every 5 secs and what color her name is that time, she will have what color female ninja moves and finishing moves.

And Last Thing
Balancing Out All The Characters, Especially The Bosses, also could you take out MK3 Jax ability to use his Ground Pound To Knock People Out Of The Air.


Do you that MK1 Reptile could get MK1 Sub-Zero's freeze and MK1 Scorpion's spear and teleport punch since he was a mix of Sub-Zero & Scorpion in MK1, that what made him special.

Ромхакинг и программирование / Хак Ultimate MK 3
« : 13 Сентябрь 2006, 09:38:35 »
Kabal MK

First of All, well done as always, me and I online friends love it, but it came to me that Rain's Fatality 3 would work better for Ermac(because his 3rd Fatality doesn't make sense), Rain's Fatality 3 could go like this, he shoots A big version of his Controlling Orb Ball at the opponent, incasing then inside it, he thens bring then toward him and with a uppercut or roundhouse, the ball(with the victim inside) explodes and blood and bones goes everywhere!!!

Цитата: evgeny
MKPrince, I did pictures in 16 colors and in size. You did for what?
Кстати я, кажется не учел палитру второго игрока в некоторых скринах. По крайней мере Shang Tsung MK2. Надо подумать, как исправить.

I got the images for MKWarehouse, I tried to make there palattes to the game as close as possible, so I believe they are from 32 colors, but how did you get your vs pictures into 16 colors? they look great, but they look like 32 colors


I see you are making the Vs pictures for the remaining characters, here are some more I did, but not as good as yours:






Johhny Cage(MK2)

Johhny Cage(MKT)



Liu Kang(MK2)

Kung Lao(MK2)

Shang Tsung(MK2)


Цитата: Valet2
It's impossible to use images from 32X version, because they have a lot of colors, however Genesis doesn't support this.

Thanks for the answer, I updated the pictures again and I once again I got then by taking them from the Genesis versions of UMK3 and MK2, this time I feel that I got the images perfect or very close to what they should look like:
Human Smoke(Created From Classic Sub-Zero Icon, UMK3 Genesis)

Woman Chameleon(Khameleon - Created From Kitana Icon, UMK3 Genesis)

Smoke(MK2) - Created From Reptile Icon, MK2 Genesis

Jade(MK2) - Created From Kitana Icon, MK2 Genesis

Noob Saibot(MK2)  - Created From Sub-Zero Icon, MK2 Genesis

Updated My Human Smoke Picture Again for UMK3,

Also made MK2 version pictures of Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot using the pictures of Sub-Zero, Reptile, and Kitana from MK2 Sega 32X version.



Noob Saibot

hey since the Sega 32X version of MK2 was better, why not use the images of the MK2 characters from it instead of the Genesis version, also Kabal_MK, do you think that Sindel could get back floating pose she had from MK3?

Here an updated version of the Human Smoke picture I made

Now the reason why I made Khameleon gray is because she is grey in the N64 version of MKT, you could barely see her but she would go into the fighting stances of all three female ninjas in the game

Kabal_MK, I made a new select screen picture of Human Smoke and Khameleon using the original pictures Of Classic Sub-Zero and Kitana from the Genesis version of UMK3 that you could used for the game, hope everyone likes them

Human Smoke


Very nice indeed, I hope once all characters are added, all of them will be balanced out for better gameplay because some characters right now when controlled by computer are very cheap(i.e Kintaro, Sektor, Kung Lao(MK3) etc)

Kabal_MK, do you think since the Genesis has alot of memory, do you think that some characters from UMK3 could get there original finishing moves back, like Scorpion getting his Scorpion Pack Fatality from UMK3 Arcade and his hand from hell from MKT, UMK3 Kitana's Stretching Kiss Of Death, Rain's Uppercut Fatality from MKT(where he uppercuts you, your body parts fly up in the air, but they all come back down together, but upside down) instead of his current one, Stryker's new UMK3 Friendship(instead of dogs running, the characters are running) and also I know you are very busy with this & other projects, but do think you would ever do a hack like this on MAME version of UMK3?

evgeny, you remember the character pictures you made for the MK2 characters & for UMK3 Human Smoke, if its possible to make a patch or to add those pictures to Hack 10 and also could we get a more like MK Trilogy select screen.

Вы думаете свое по возможности для Jade для того чтобы получить ей первоначально воюя stance вместо использования Mileena's

Здравствулте!, Я американский и я как раз должен сказать эта игра very well сделана, желание kinda мы имели этот вариант когда происхождение UMK3 все еще было сделано, но так или иначе все смотрит хорошим, немного glitches здесь и там но ничего слишком плохое, игра смогла использовать более лучший отборный экран теперь с всеми характерами находятся в игре, здесь одно, котор я сделал,
Теперь сохранить комнату, если по возможности вы смогли добавить характеры MK2 к там двойникам UMK3, то вы смогли иметь вариант для того чтобы отжать изображение UMK3 старта over there для того чтобы flip over there изображение MK2 вместо имея их offscreen, также о Cameleon's, Я думаю мыжской вариант должен всегда идти через по-разному цветы ninja во время драк, и женский вариант должен быть сер в цвете и вместо быть сказан по буквам с ч также в ее lifebar, она должна быть сказана по буквам с к, и также вместо говорящ "мнение" Khameleon выигрышей "Cameleon женщины справедливое выигрывает", но за исключением тех вещей все больш, keep up хорошая работа.:)

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