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Сообщения - NeoVamp

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NeoVamp,Hey Hello, I remember you, You was also at the Dark Side that fall :(. Do you have you own project in MK sphere? Any news about other good projects?

Can't say I know of any other MK related projects other then MK Revelations/MKII Unlimited/UMKT,
although I'd love to find me a programmer and start my own "Mortal Kombat Trilogy II" project for both pc and Sega.

Ideally it would be made for Krikkz everdrive flashcart, so that background music would just be streaming pcm music,
also because of the Everdrive design the game can load files of the SD card, so no 10MB limit anymore.

But yeah, not easy to find a programmer willing to work with me on this.

I take it my version of the Graveyard was too detailed and did not fit into vram?

Look's like only parts of my conversion was used, what a shame.  :-\

My stage.

I deleted the posts because my work was not wanted here, so no use of keeping it here.

I have no problem with criticism, but this was all negative, not constructive.

I have better things to do then spend nights converting only to be greeted with "not good enough!"

Paint Shop Pro actually.

But I find that my work is received very negatively, So I decided to stop.

Nothing wrong with telling what you feel should be improved, but this is all too negative and not helping.


New ram based cart, not normal Everdrive.

NeoVamp, please, don't use translator. It sucks.)

Sorry, I had hoped that in Russian it would get noticed faster.  :lol:

МК Трилогия потребностей кладбище этапе


Ow, NeoVamp, please don't hurry.

Thank god, I'm currently going through quite some strange times.. and I feel fucked up.

But yeah, I would love to do something again in the near future, I'll pm you my email address sometime,
then you can just contact me if you need me.


You mean like this? i converted the 32X sprites to 14 colors just like the Megadrive sprites use.
(thats why it has pink/green, to fill up the 16 color palette)

Not the MD palette though, I don't have that.. though i guess i could guess which colors they used..

Depends on what Smoke prefers, he has access to the real palette i don't.

Edit : here's the original 32X sprites, in case someone else wants to convert it differently.

So yeah, crouch punch isn't very difficult to rip.

the entire UMKT hack use 6,5 mb.

Last time i checked it was 10mb, and it does not even have all the stages.

So a 5mb rom would have only 1 stage and maybe 4/5 extra chars.. so not everybody would make it in.

Real trilogy is impossible for 5mb.  :-\

It would be nice if someone made a nice clean port of Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the Megadrive and got it under 5Mb so we could play it on are Everdrives :).

Only possible if you program the rom to load files of the SD card, which is possible with the Everdrive. (krikkz told me so via email)
then you would have a rom thats like.. 2mb, and would load stages/chars of the SD card.

You could even stream PCM wav as background music, no more odd Sega music.

The UMK3 source seems to be available, so who knows.. all depends if a skilled programmer is interested.

but the entire Trilogy in a 5mb rom? thats not gonna happen, there's way too much art for that.

бэкграунды, добавить арену graveyard,


NeoVamp, this source is complete but I don't see reason why need to rewrite it for console with so many limitations. Port with arcade graphic will be better I think.

True, port for windows/linux would be better.. then ports for Wii/Xbox1/PSP/PS2/DC would be possible too.

aaah must have missed that, will take a look!

I'm curious if the source is even complete.

Damn I'm glad the game's not out yet, i almost forgot i still had to fix Cage's 2nd ending, (vram problems)
but its completed now and looking pretty good.  :cool:

UMK3 Source for 3DO

Rewrite for Sega Megadrive and use with Krikzz Everdrive flashcart

Add all characters + stages + pcm wav as background music.

Code so that files are loaded from SD card. (possible with Everdrive)

No special cart needed, everybody play UMK3T on their real consoles.


Вот черти, а. Надо написать в начале, что распространяется бесплатно, и что если вы купили игру, вас жестоко на.. обманули

But its not a free game, its an illegal rom..

very grey area, but i love this stuff, to know that people in Asia are playing your hack like that..
maybe in the near future they'll see all the art i painfully converted, feels quite rewarding.

i'll have to see if i can pick up this MKIIU cart myself..  ^_^

Smoke should rename new version of rom to "MKII Unlimited Turbo"
might get new cart from Chinese people then.  :lol:


Found this on Sega-16.

BTW, NeoVamp, I think sprite problem was solved :)

Sweet, I hope it displays on real hardware now.  ^_^

Its a shame that Probe did not display the select screen like MK3 displays it,
that would have been a much easier fix, because MK3 does it like this.

just 2 layers.

So theres not really a good chance of us redoing the colours on the levels?
I think he was talking about the character select screen.

Сколько тут американцев епт?

Я не американский, я сильный голландский воин!  :lol:

What kind of backgrounds?
And I think you mean cheats by AceKombat, right?

The MKII backgrounds (deadpool/pit/etc) and yes with AceKombat's layer disable cheats.
unless someone has already ripped them, but i can't find anything on MKwarehouse. (just parts of the bg's)

I want to see if i can do a better job on the tower (or any stage) then Probe did.

I want to no why Sega just gave the megadrive 64 to display on screen?
They could of made it have 128 or better 256. But guess they wanted it to be cheaper! :(.

Well it was released in late 1989, so they probably just missed the new era of chips..
that or they decided that using older chips was cheaper which meant more profit. (or a combination of both)
Then again.. 32X wasn't very powerful so i think Sega was just being cheap.

Still the best console I have ever played.
Very true, it was a great console with so many great games, i have like 200 boxed games myself.   :D

Also Neovamp are you called Vampx on the sorr forums by any chance?

Yes thats me!  ^_^

I found a nice cheat file for the mame rom of MKII btw, gonna try to grab those background layers this week.

that would be 31 colors including lifebar, and 27 without that stuff, i always just add the lifebar/etc to the pics i convert so i know the colors are in.
(i'm not totally sure about this number though, i have spotted a darker grey color in there somewhere so it could be 26.

like this.

I also don't seem to understand how MKII handles the palette, because i noticed that the sprite layer
is used for the character names, so either it uses the bg palette or the characters have a yellow color in their palette.
(or worse, there's 2 yellow colors, which means one wasted palette entry)

Too bad Smoke isn't here, i'm sure he could answer this better then me.  ^_^

Great job vetalfox! looks very colorful.  :wow:

Edit : I just noticed that the floor in Probe's version repeats, must have been done to save space.

but the red sky was not in the original arcade version.

I know, but it did look nice.  ^_^

I really like it, and i wonder if it would be possible to have a red sky on the outside, like the Snes version.

and we would need to look into the hooks, maybe we could even use layering to get some hooks in front of the screen.

I will try to get layered rips of the arcade backgrounds, might be interesting to convert them ourselves.

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