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Сообщения - agostinhobaroners

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Thank you so very much! Very commendable effort done by you and anyone that gave you some help.

I'd like to suggest you one thing:
Create a PayPal account, so me and many other guys could send you money with easiness.

Was a great pleasure to play till the end AND enjoy the new end screens, no more dumb text-ony finish! THANK YOU FOR THAT! 'Cause it was always a huge let down to see that stupid yellow text...

You're in the road of perfection: Voices, Bio & VS screens, Endings... Very very good.
But (please, I'm not complaining, just begging for this) if you could include the redone (by NeoVamp) backgrounds, character select screen and arcade-style energy bars... WoW! That would be PERFECT!
I don't know if it is possible keeping the rom with 4mb, but I'll pray for that... 'Cause everybody is willing to play an "arcade perfect" MKII version on real Mega Drives using Everdrive or any other flashcart...

Do you think that is possible to do that with 4mb? Do you want to do that? Will you do that soon?

As soon as you have a PayPal account, please, just let us know.

Regards and many thanks for your great work!!!

agostinhobaroners, please don't be upset. It's not russian-only release and I'll upload hack for all a bit later. If you wish I'll send it in PM for you. :)
Благодарю ;)
И всем спасибо, кто играет

Thanks... I was just a bit sad.
I would appreciate if you could PM it for me...

Nemesis_c, yep.
Sorry for bothering you, guys.

Maybe Smoke will unhide it someday.
I'm sad 'cause I was waiting for this release as much as you...
If I knew that it was supposed to be a Russian-only realease, I would not be waiting...

Thanks, anyway...

Ну вы дали конечно. Стока букав я не осилю  :wacko:.
Когда найдёт народ всё что есть, расскажу чего понравилось, ато спойлерить не охото.

Я нашел  много  "​​ . RAR" файлы ... Но они  просят  пароль  ...
Я понятия не имею, как разблокировать их. Я бразилец, так что это очень трудно понять Россию советы и приемы ...

Пожалуйста, где  я должен искать для этого?

Ну хоть кто-то :D

Any hint for a good search????


I'm really anxious to play...
Do you have a release date on your mind?

I'm checking this thread 2-3 times a day since you said it was almost finished. 0_0
Thank you.
Regards from Brazil,


It's hard to understand what you guys are saying in Russian, but I just to add one comment:

Rn'R by Ti is an amazing hack, but it do not replace SNES version just because of the sound.
If anyone could (I know it's very hard) throw away Sound Images 1.2 and use a better driver... I think that Krysalis/Shaun Hollingworth sound driver would be the right choice to have in-game music+sfx+Larry (take a look at Mega Drive's Street Racer).
But it could be too much painful to be done, I understand... I bet that even GEMS would be far superior to Sound Images 1.2.

If you could do it, in somehow, that music would sound better with Larry's voice together, SNES version would be crap...
Could anyone do that?

I'm very very anxious about that...

Thank you for you remarkable efforts to make this game so much better.

Thanks for the attention, Smoke!

I'll wait for the next version of MK II Unlimited, hopefully for Christmas... :cool:


First of all, you're doing an amazing job and I've played the v0.7 till death, so THANKS!

I'd like to ask you some things about the hack and MD hardware (I don't know if these questions have already appeared here, but it's hard to understand Russian language, even using google translator):

1-Until now, you have added the MKI backgrounds and all voices from the arcade... Will you add more content from other MK games, or you just add the MKI background and that's all?

2-I know that you're working hard to include all the bio screens, versus screens and etc... from the MKII arcade version; so Is a version 1.0 or 0.8 much far from now? What do you want in a final release of MK II Unlimited?

3-MD has many fighting games, but most of them are terrible ports (and I'm a MD's fan since ever), or very bad versions when compared to SNES or just suck completely with ridiculous gameplay. Many attempts had been done, by Sega, Capcom, Takara... And I think that only MK series are really good at MD. I always thought that the stronger MD's CPU (compared to SNES) and more acade-like hardware would guarantee better arcade ports in any style. But, AFAIK, SNES has some great ports (as Power Instinct I) that are just terrible on MD, mainly at the sound aspect. I know that the MD's soundchip is ugly and strange to deal with, but why are there so many bad fighting games on MD? Is it some kind of technical limitation of the hardware for the type of needs that a fighting game has? Please, I'd like to hear some technical explanation from a great expert like you.

4-Thank you once again, MK II Unlimited is the best fighting game on MD IMO.

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