Ромхакинг и программирование / Перевод на русский Tactics Ogre: LUCT (SAT)
« : 04 Декабрь 2024, 09:25:48 »
В заметках к переводу на английский Grandia Saturn автор писал:
Expanded files tend to exhibit graphical errors. Right now this appears to be because of incorrect data getting into VRAM. What appears to be happening is that even though the offsets in the header are updated, the game is not completely obeying them. While it uses them to get the start of the data, it seems to still be using the old ones to get the end of the data. As a result not all of the data is being copied over resulting in old data staying in RAM from the previous MDT file. This results in corrupted graphics due to bad data in VRAM.Не может и тут быть нечто подобное в отчёте Уоррена?
This has been resolved after discovering offsets 0x180 and 0x1F4 control the CD sectors to read.