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Сообщения - ms18e

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ms18e, Hi. I just ask how its game run on nulldc and demul emulators. Im too big fan of this series games. But i recomended you play alpha on ps1 emulator because 2d graphics in srt better then 3d.

Unfortunately, no nullDC, since SRW for DC is a WinCE game and Makaron is the only emu that can deal with WinCE games.

Personaly I prefer DC SRW alpha to PS version, because motions of robots in DC is more exquisite than that of PS. Btw, I love the 'second srw for Gamy Boy' and 'srw F & F final for SS' a lot. :)

А эта игра на нулле или демуле идет?.

Hi, I don't understand russian, I read your reply by google translate. Do you have question about this game? Super Robot War series is well known in Japan and China, but it seemingly doesn't have English or other version. SRWs are produced by Banpresto and delivered by Bandai, on platforms including FC, GB, SS, PS, DC, PS2, GBA, and so on. If you read English, some information could be found through below links:


and this site for Japanese:


If you want to find the Makaron's autor, you should look here:
It is his personal page. And you can ask some questions.  :)

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The Makaron EX. is just GUI and it is not official release of emulator. It is not a new version. So, all problems what exists in MakaronT12.5 exists in any MakaronEX too. And only autor can fix it (if it possible).

Got it, thank you so much for your help!

Hello, I'm a Dreamcast fan and I know this site by Makaron emulator. Makaron is a cool emulator and provides unique capability running WinCE based games, it is an excellent job and I want to send my acknowledgement to the author, if he can see this post here.

However, Makaron still has some compatibility issue with certain games, such as Super Robot War Alpha for DC (SRW for short). I have been looking forward to a great update of Makaron that can fix this issue, but unfortunately later versions seem to have even more problems running SRW:

Makaron T11.2 frequently crashes with SRW, but plays BGM and voice perfectly;
Makaron EX3.0 has less crashing running SRW, but BGM of SRW deteriorates, music is not consecutive;
Makaron EX4.0 4.01 4.02 and 4.1 have pretty GUI and rich options, but... when setting SH4 Mode to DynaRec it frequently crashes; when setting SH4 Mode to Interpreter it runs very very slow (about 1/2 fps as DynaRec mode); when setting SH4 Mode to FashInt it runs even slower than Interpreter Mode (MEX 4.1), or stuckes at WinCE logo(MEX 4.0x).

Attached are representative error reports with different Makaron versions, hope this information could help improving Makaron to a perfect DC Emu. And I would like to provide SRW image if necessary.

Finally, many thanks to you again, Makaron authors and contributors, I can't wait to hear reponse from you.

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