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Сообщения - sim_rafael

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I will do a review into the text. If I couldn't reduce, I'll let you know Ti_.

The hex part I was confused is from what you put into the readme.txt:
after packing you needs additionaly cuts 24-bytes headers from archives with hex-editor (winhex)

after that put new files in ROM using with winhex

I have a problem in my computer now, so the translation is stopped.

Meanwhile, see a video from GuitarGamerFL. A brazilian acoustic guitar player playing homage to Rock & Roll Racing Songs.

See ya, témais.

I'm sorry about being quiet Ti_. Just got a little busy, so temporarely stopped the translation project.

Actually, I did the translation, but the file is bigger than the allowed. I need to review the text and make it smaller. TEXTS.bin is 14776 now.

And I will need some help with the Hex part later. There's a lot of things I don't understand.

I'm not affiliated with that brazilian site http://rocknrollracing.org/.

Offtopic: I Just arrived from Russia. Moscow and San Petersburg are beautiful towns with beautiful women. It was great travel to your land.

Again, sorry for not saying nothing. Soon I'll contact you. Thanks.

Thanks for the answer.

I could translate everything that is possible. Some in-race text and terms could be the same (like "level").

The biggest problem is about special characters. Portuguese have some of them. Example:

Acceleration = Aceleração (Aceleracao would be wrong).

If you provide me with the text and fonts, I can try to adapt for the game.
All the translations that exists over the internet for the game doesn't have the accentuation. It will be the first if we succeed.

Sorry about posting in english, but I'm brazilian and dont know russian.

I register to say thanks for Ti_ and the rest of people who collaborate with this hack.
You make all that I dreamed into the game. Full screen support (netplay), more than 2 simultaneous players (3 or 4), more music, support for Sega CD audio, new content...

It is amazing! Thank you guys!

I'm also waiting for YardTeam RRR Remake. Even offer help to translate for brazilian portuguese. If you wanna translate your hack to portuguese too, I'm at your disposal.

I understand almost nothing about rom hacking, but if you would like that feature, contact me.

Other than that, thank you very much! You were great!

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