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Сообщения - ldqmoon

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Портативные / I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set
« : 11 Сентябрь 2017, 18:54:43 »
TCT-6801 is easy to buy, seems 6803 not.
I will also check TCT-6803, when I get more information, I will feedback.

do you have any information about 6803, such as datasheet, schematic,
 I found all day but seems nothing.

Портативные / I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set
« : 10 Сентябрь 2017, 19:09:29 »
TCT-6801 is easy to buy, seems 6803 not.
I will also check TCT-6803, when I get more information, I will feedback.

Портативные / I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set
« : 10 Сентябрь 2017, 18:41:13 »
in fact, I want build a new portable Geniclones MD, re-design the schematic base on TCT-6801, do some upgrade, and improved compatibility
if there is a exacting product, maybe I will buy one.

Портативные / I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set
« : 09 Сентябрь 2017, 18:56:07 »
it's great! where can buy this ?

Портативные / I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set
« : 08 Сентябрь 2017, 18:54:44 »
I would like build a portable Geniclones MD set,  use TCT-6801 and a 3.5" QVGA TFT, with big battery,
any suggestion?

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