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dimidrol: Any plans to make an English language Dune REQUITE version? Pretty please!

Alien Soldier (GENESIS) hack collection
Combinations of 6-Button Controller Support, Weapon Cycling & Ammo Regen hacks:

Spatter, Super Locomotive & Star Mobile GENESIS roms
from the Genesis Mini 2, patched to work in emulators:

Edit: Added "Fantasy Zone"

It's a false positive, like with most emulation related executables.

The original unpatched fusion.exe has the same false positive (like McSIM said):
fusion.exe https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/66d3205aae58fe8a038c84588a8d008a9dfe5d8f72385979019fdd1c476521a9
fusion8.exe https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/775887822562d6879b23bdbce1fae169f1d31fe73e9c8683a31bc27cfd0860e1

But if you don't trust me, go to:

In "Old-Projects-main\Battle Race\Designs\Fusion8 Maker"
and run "F8 Maker.exe" to patch your own v3.64 Fusion.exe!

I'm also attaching a 4 KB .ips patch to turn fusion.exe into fusion8.exe:
* Fusion8_ips_patch.zip (3.42 КБ - загружено 57 раз.)

You can see it working in the screenshot above, it shows the 6 MB "UMK3 Hack" rom loaded.

Here's a Kega Fusion .exe with 8MB rom support:
* Fusion8.zip (376.18 КБ - загружено 154 раз.)

Finally we can play the UMK3 Hack in Kega Fusion!

Found in here: https://github.com/NatsumiFox/Old-Projects
(Old-Projects-main\Battle Race\Designs\Fusion8 Maker)
The modified Kega was made for a unreleased Sonic hack.

* 8MB version may interfer with Mega CD, since the Mega CD
is accessed by the Mega Drive's main CPU through 4MB to 8MB

Значительно ускоряет геймплей путем отключения музыки (звуки остались) и снижения нагрузки на проц. Вся игра жестко привязана к тактовой частоте проца, поэтому будут небольшие графические глюки по ходу прохождения (ничего существенного). Ну и естественно отдельно в плеере включите какой нибудь саунд из игры, чтобы не играть в тишине (даже ту же самую Каслванию, скачанную с Ютуба).
Теоретически, нагрузку еще можно снизить, убрав полностью с экрана весь HUD (не спрятав и не затерев, а именно отключив всю процедуру его вывода), но мне лень этим заниматься, если кто хочет - велком. Тогда музыку можно будет оставить

Good job! Would the same be possible for the other two gameboy castlevania games? (Belmont's Revenge & Legends)

This is a standalone (direct boot) version of BattleCity from the 1996 GameBoy "Namco Gallery Vol. 1" compilation.

Direct boot means it skips the menu and boots directly into BattleCity:
* battle city gallery direct boot.7z (313.93 КБ - загружено 141 раз.)
(Note: This BattleCity is a different version from the 1991 Namco/NOVA GameBoy BattleCity)

Patch made by Crispy Baldy, thank you very much!

Note: This version has super gameboy/border support:

Картриджи / диски / Re: Новые Дампы 2
« : 07 Сентябрь 2021, 21:59:11 »
For the Mega Drive / Genesis, since you Russians like tank games:

* Tanki3in1.7z (313.84 КБ - загружено 599 раз.)

Krocki, another mission for you!

Bosses always visible for Fatal Fury 2 Genesis:

You can select them now by doing:
"1) In 1P Game mode on the character select screen, highlight the bottom row of characters.
2) Now hold the START button, and press Down. You'll now see that one of the bosses will appear and be highlighted."

Good news! The amazing SpiderDave has made a "darken on hard" patch!
In the options go to configure, set game mode to hard and it will be darker.

bank 6
base $8000

org $b51a
    ; Intercept part of stage fade in handler
    jmp newFadeCheck

; Remove darken screen on pause
org $b3b3
    nop 3

; Remove undarken screen on unpause
org $b3db
    nop 3

bank 7
base $c000

; start of free space
org $fe85
    lda $7a8    ; load difficulty
    adc $69     ; add to the fade index
    cmp #$05
    bne +
    lda #$00
    sta $52
* alien3_darken_on_hard.zip (0.8 КБ - загружено 93 раз.)

Any updates?

Thanks / spasibo!

Idea, "hard" game mode switches the game to dark, like if you pause:

I also recommend the skip intro patch: change 0A at 1E05F to 01 to skip intro (or game genie code: PAKVYEZA)
* Alien 3 (USA) skip intro PAKVYEZA.zip (0.18 КБ - загружено 87 раз.)

Will you also include the redesigned sprites & palettes from the plus hack? https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2669/

Цитата: krocki

Yes it works, THANK YOU! :wow:

I made an .ips patch out of it:

krocki, any way to convert a memory cheat: FFE3D0:FF into a real game genie code?
This cheat expands horizontal resolution to 320x240 for Mr. Nutz/Genesis/EU:

But i don't know how to hard patch memory cheats, only gg codes.
The idea is to make it boot directly into this resolution, thanks!

There's also a patch that enables it if you enter the right password:

Ромхакинг и программирование / [ALL] CHEATS & MODS
« : 02 Сентябрь 2020, 13:58:10 »
Thanks krocki! Here are more ideas, just in case you are bored...

Adventures of Batman and Robin (Genesis) - louder sound effects / quieter music
Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition (Genesis) - remove blinking "press start" text in upper right corner

krocki, do you take requests? If yes, two for "Top Gear 2" on the Genesis:

1. Set speed to KPH by default (instead if switching from MPH to KPH in the speed menu)

2. Set default car color to black (knight rider mode, instead of buying it in the paint shop)


This is amazing! Will there be an English language version?

Thank you krocki it works!

I then used this tool to patch the rom and make it permanent:


Could we get just the "Balance Hack" as an ips patch for the original English rom? Thanks!

Edit: i made my own, seems to work, see attachment, use on Adventures of Batman and Robin, The (U) [!]

Edit 2: Could someone make a patch which removes the blinking "game over" & "press start" text on the top right corner? :)

I just watched this video where they mention the 32x version* of Virtua Racing running at 20 fps.
Any way to hack the game rom or gens/mednafen emulator to make it run at 30fps instead? Thanks

* It includes two extra cars ("Stock" and "Prototype") and two new tracks ("Highland" and "Sand Park").

I found another source for the mission briefings, it also has WIN/LOSE/ADVICE text:

Can't you just copy/paste the English text from the guide into dialogs_hack?

Lipetsk: Any plans to do an English version of your Dune Dosmod, please?
Just take the English mission text from this Dune II - Insider's Guide.pdf!

Burn what? Is there a problem? :)

I would also like to point out a second way to play Dune (and few other Genesis games) with a mouse.

The Gens32 Surreal emulator  (latest version from 2013) comes with a few internal mouse drivers!
Drivers for the following games, they are found in the "Tools\Mouse Drivers folder" subfolder:

Cannon Fodder (E) [!].gmd
Dune - The Building of a Dynasty (U) [!].gmd
General Chaos (UE) [!].gmd
Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (UJ) [!].gmd
T2 - The Arcade Game.gmd

For this to work the rom & gmd must be named the same & be in the Gens32 Surreal root folder, example:

T2 - The Arcade Game.bin (game rom)
T2 - The Arcade Game.gmd (mouse driver)

Then just open the rom with Gens32Surreal.exe & press SHIFT + M to enable the mouse, that's it.
You should then see a white "mouse driver loaded" & "mouse enabled" text in the bottom left...

Download Gens32 Surreal here: Gens32_Surreal_V1.90Std.zip or 1.90-std.7z on github

Edit: This Gens32 method works with unpatched roms & on all dune romhacks (except 480x464, which are only for Mednafen)

Gens32 Dune mouse controls:

Start & Logo:
Left button: Move Left.
Right button: Move Right.
Middle button: Start.
Wheel: up or down.

In Game(normal)
Left button: Select.
Right button: cancel.
Middle button: pause.

In Game (building)
Left button: move left.
Right button: move right.
Wheel: up or down.
Middle button: Ok.

Wheel: up or down.
Left button: set.
Right button: play.
Middle button: exit.

Good news! Ti_ managed to combine the fixed mouse patch with his Dunehack, attached is:

Mednafen (480x464, port 2 set to mouse, press shift + c to capture mouse in window)


Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (USA) + Mouse.bin

Again, big thanks to both Ti & Chilly Willy for fixing the original mouse patch.

Here is a sound pack for RRR with the music from "Biker mice from Mars" (SNES), only 3MB:

The great "Ti" made a 90% complete mouse patch for Dune, but lost interest.

Could someone else please take a look and maybe finish it?
It already works well except building placement has problems.

(in Kega Fusion set port 2 & use to "mouse" then press F12 ingame to enable)

Excuse my English, thanks! Attached is the .asm file:

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