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Сообщения - Daytripper

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Картриджи / диски / Re: Новые Дампы 2
« : 03 Май 2021, 20:36:09 »
Does anyone have Papi Commando: Second Blood rom for Megadrive? There's only the demo available on that guy's site

Картриджи / диски / Re: Новые Дампы 2
« : 20 Апрель 2021, 03:15:39 »
So someone on YouTube just leaked the Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3d (Piko) full version rom for Megadrive. The full soundtrack is there and all, enjoy.

I was unable to upload the file as an attachment, but the game works if someone wants to give it a go

Картриджи / диски / Re: Новые Дампы 2
« : 20 Июнь 2020, 23:48:17 »
Has anyone ever seen the Neo Geo homebrew games like Gunlord? I want to play that very badly. Also want to try out the new Demons of Asteborg demo that was recently released for the Megadrive.

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