Автор Тема: Demul, эмулятор Dreamcast, Naomi etc.  (Прочитано 1686195 раз)

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Demul, эмулятор Dreamcast, Naomi etc.
« : 23 Июнь 2008, 22:02:44 »

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« Последнее редактирование: 12 Ноябрь 2016, 15:42:00 от MetalliC »

Оффлайн MetalliC

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Demul, эмулятор Dreamcast, Naomi etc.
« Ответ #11250 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 04:37:20 »
а добавить поддержку файлов отдельно ,по примеру pnach в pcsx2 ?
каких файлов отдельно и при чем тут pnach-чит файлы ?

в контексте WinCE, под хаками подразумевается автоматический даунклок (уменьшение частоты эмулируемого SH4 с номинальных 200Мгц до скажем 150, 100, итд, если/пока комп не тянет игру на полной скорости) или/и реализация idle-skip-ов ("пропуск" циклов ожидания различных событий).
но, игры могут (и будут) реагировать на это дело непредсказуемым образом, потому как-то нет желания таким заниматься и тратить на это свое время.

Оффлайн ElkTheSenior

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« Ответ #11251 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 06:40:41 »
каких файлов отдельно и при чем тут pnach-чит файлы ?

Не будь деревянным. Неужели не изучал структуру построения файлов PCSX2, и не в курсе, с какой петрушкой едят сей эмулятор. Ясен день, что blackoff`ский имеет ввиду открытость для внедрения разного рода пользовательских "плюшек", какими бы они ни были, что с учётом секретности и неловкости, не может, и никогда не мог себе позволить Demul.

Впрочем, лично я с политикой Demul чуть более согласен, чем с безаговорочными допущениями PCSX2, чьих возможностей безусловно больше, равно как и имеющегося хлама, в сравнении с Demul. Они, тупо потеряли берега, вы отнюдь, освоили, однако провозгласили себя, в лице "домохозяек", импотентами. 


Оффлайн MetalliC

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« Ответ #11252 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 06:58:38 »
ElkTheSenior, тебе уже вроде не раз говорилось - избавь нас от своей упортой ахинеи.

конкретно на счёт читов/патчей тоже - ни мне ни Wind-у оно не интересно, мне лично религия не запрещает пользоваться Artmoney для этих целей.
если вы так хотите чтоб в эмуляторе был такой встроенный функционал - добро пожаловать в команду! сами берите и делайте, все только за.

Оффлайн blackoff

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« Ответ #11253 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 10:46:03 »
каких файлов отдельно и при чем тут pnach-чит файлы ?
ну я поднимал когда то вопрос о когда wide пытался прикрутить ,понятно что можно исп чит софт , но было бы удобнее без стороннего софта.

Оффлайн Dyons

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« Ответ #11254 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 11:37:03 »
бо понимаю, какой формат поддерживало оригинальное произведение, а значит и видение авторов на момент прозрения.
ох уж эти сказки про так задумано  :lol:

а добавить поддержку файлов отдельно ,по примеру pnach в pcsx2 ? тот же widescreen или читы юзать проще было бы ...
инжектором добавь, в чем проблема

Оффлайн blackoff

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« Ответ #11255 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 11:56:06 »
инжектором добавь
это как ? править образ?

Оффлайн Dyons

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« Ответ #11256 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 12:43:32 »
это как ? править образ?
нет, это через dll в demul, будешь инжектить нужные значения по нужным адресам

Оффлайн MetalliC

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« Ответ #11257 : 21 Декабрь 2018, 12:56:24 »
можно вручную - запустить игру под demul, запустить WinHEX, Open Memory - выбрать в списке процесс эмулятора, изменить нужные ячейки памяти (OЗУ дрима живет по адресам 2Cxxxxxxh).
я особо вопросом не интересовался, но предполагаю что существуют утилитки позволяющие делать то же самое из батника. типа: запустить эмулятор с игрой, подождать секунд 10 пока биос загрузит экзешник игры, пропатчить нужные ячейки памяти.

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11258 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 18:33:44 »
First of all, apologies for posting in English but i don´t speak Russian. However, this seems to be more active forum on the Web regarding Demul Support.

I will start by saying that the specs of my laptop are nothing to write home about. It´s an ASUS with the following technical specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5
OS: Windows 10 64 Bit

I had tried Demul in the past and it was very laggy, even in the bios, so i kinda just dropped it all together and begun using nullDC, that despite it´s flaws it was the best second alternative for me until this year. It ran everything i threw at it at max FPS, so i was happy.

The past month, after getting some external hard drives, i decided to resume my project of collecting classic games and store them for preservation on said drives. In the midst of doing this, i ran into a topic on Reddit that talked about a new version of Demul you could download on their Russian forum. It is a version of April 28th, 2018.
I downloaded it and to my surprise, i booted NBA 2K1 and it ran at full speed right off the bat, when in the last version i tried, it only ran at like 30 FPS. I was very happy and also booted some other games, and they ran good, a massive improvement from the last version i had tried. At last, i could run the best Dreamcast emulator with good results even on a now low-end laptop. Or at least i thought...

I stopped playing for some weeks due to College Exams, and only this week i was a bit free again to play once more. I booted up Demul...and the low FPS from previous versions are back. Both the bios and the games run at a average of 25/30 FPS now, when the last time i had booted up the emulator before this, all of this ran at full speed.

I already tried reverting Windows Update, Reinstalling my GPU Drivers (with a DDU Unistall). I also tried to do a fresh config, erasing Demul and downlading it again. Nothing, nothing seems to get the full speed back. My temps are all fine, i check them often, and all my other emulators run fine.

Can someone help me? Much appreciated.

Оффлайн BSV

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« Ответ #11259 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 18:58:20 »
PedroPM94, Try to run GPU-Z utility while running emulation in Demul and go to Sensors tab. It may help to increase performance in some situations.

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11260 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 19:06:31 »
PedroPM94, Try to run GPU-Z utility while running emulation in Demul and go to Sensors tab. It may help to increase performance in some situations.

What do i do once i am on that tab?  :)

Добавлено позже:
This is what appears when i use Demul and open GPU-Z in the same tab you said:

It is indeed some FPS faster, but it´s still not as fast as it was before.  :(

Добавлено позже:
And this is when i run a game, for example, in this case, Le Mans 24 Hours, which is also one of the games that ran at Full FPS, before, for some reason, since last time i used Demul, my FPS got cut in half:

The temperatures are all normal. The limit is 97, and it´s not even close to that. I do find the GPU load to be a bit low for some reason. Any idea on what might be the culprit? I know my specs are average at best, but this used to run well on my first run on the emu, so the specs are enough for this sets of games and the bios that i´m running at least, something else must be happening here. Any help is welcome. :)

UPDATE: I compared the values to what they reach on the other emulators. I played a bit of WWE Day Of Reckoning 2 on the Dolphin Emulator. I run it Full Screen, 2x Resolutions and it reaches 50 FPS (maximum for a PAL release), and the GPU load is constant at 55/60 %. I´m thinking this is the culprit, Demul, for some reason, is barely using my GPU but why? I have set the program to use the NVIDIA GPU on the Control Panel, i even created a profile for the application to make sure it runs on that. Changing battery settings to High Performance, PCI Express settings to Off make no difference at all. I´m losing hope here. :(
« Последнее редактирование: 23 Декабрь 2018, 20:49:58 от PedroPM94 »

Оффлайн ~Scorpion-

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« Ответ #11261 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 20:51:09 »
Man, your videocard is too low. For good playing on this Emulator with updated videoplugin you need more powerful Videocard, becouse emulator use many resourses from videocard. You need to update your laptop. :)

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11262 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 20:56:32 »
~Scorpion-, вообще то на скрине загрузка ГП - жалкие 16%.   ;)

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11263 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 20:57:10 »
Man, your videocard is too low. For good playing on this Emulator with updated videoplugin you need more powerful Videocard, becouse emulator use many resourses from videocard. You need to update your laptop. :)

I understand it´s average at best but this ran well on my first days running Demul some weeks ago, before i stopped gaming due to exams in College, at least with the games i played. So while i know i need a upgrade down the road, and will get one when i have the money to buy a new rig, it did not suddenly lost power in a matter of weeks to go from running games i tested Demul with at Max FPS to half of that now. :(

I think the low GPU usage is the culprit, specially when compared to the other Emulators, but nothing i do seems to increase it and i´m not exactly a tech expert to know what to do next, whatever i think could solve it, has failed.

In the meantime i´m using Redream, which runs totally fine on my rig, but i would love to get back the performance i had just some weeks ago on Demul because it plays some games that Redream does not.
« Последнее редактирование: 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:04:00 от PedroPM94 »

Оффлайн ~Scorpion-

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« Ответ #11264 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:04:56 »
I think the low GPU usage is the culprit, specially when compared to the other Emulators, but nothing i do seems to increase it.
There is more matter architecture of your Card then fully usage. 

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11265 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:07:43 »
There is more matter architecture of your Card then fully usage.

I know, but how do you explain that in my first days running the emu, it ran at full speed on the games i tried, and now, after a week of not using it, it runs at half of the speed? The performance in all the other things are the same, just Demul is affected.

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11266 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:10:20 »
~Scorpion-, не неси бред. демуль отлично работает и на гф560 - на 2 поколения архитектурой старше. ;)

Оффлайн ~Scorpion-

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« Ответ #11267 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:19:59 »
I know, but how do you explain that in my first days running the emu, it ran at full speed on the games i tried, and now, after a week of not using it, it runs at half of the speed? The performance in all the other things are the same, just Demul is affected.
Honestly when I run Demul on PC with same videocard as yours, I always got the troubles, no fullspeed. It started works normal only whith GTX1060. Perhaps you choosed old videoplugin and change scaling maybe.  :neznayu:

Добавлено позже:
~Scorpion-, не неси бред. демуль отлично работает и на гф560 - на 2 поколения архитектурой старше. ;)
А ты много игр до конца прошел здесь?  <_< Некоторые сначала не тормозят вообще, а потом....

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11268 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:25:23 »
PedroPM94, посмотри при помощи HWiNFO64, не снижены и стабильны ли частоты у ЦП во время игры.

look with the help of HWiNFO64, if the frequencies of the CPU are not reduced and stable during the game.

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11269 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:26:54 »
Honestly when I run Demul on PC with same videocard as yours, I always got the troubles, no fullspeed. It started works normal only whith GTX1060. Perhaps you choosed old videoplugin and change scaling maybe.  :neznayu:

Добавлено позже:А ты много игр до конца прошел здесь?  <_< Некоторые сначала не тормозят вообще, а потом....

I´ve tried both plugins, with scaling and no scaling, there´s no difference, the FPS is always the same no matter which resolution i choose. If Demul had always worked like this, i would totally accept there would be nothing i could do to make it work again on my Laptop. But it used to work fine, at least on the games i tried, just some weeks ago. My laptop did not suddenly became worse or broken in that time period, specially when every other app works well. Two weeks ago, i ran the entire NBA series, Le Mans, NHL series at full speed with 2x Resolution. Now i can´t run any of those games at full speed no matter the resolution i use, i run them at half speed.

And like Ogr mentioned, it works well on a GPU that has older architecture.

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PedroPM94, посмотри при помощи HWiNFO64, не снижены и стабильны ли частоты у ЦП во время игры.

look with the help of HWiNFO64, if the frequencies of the CPU are not reduced and stable during the game.

I´ll check that out, give me just some minutes!  :)

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11270 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:30:14 »
ты много игр до конца прошел здесь?   Некоторые сначала не тормозят вообще, а потом....
...а потом уменьшаешь слои сортировки. :lol: и смотрим на этот скрин: https://i.imgur.com/zRYx2qW.png
пытаясь задать вопрос "ты много биосов до конца прошел здесь?".

Оффлайн ~Scorpion-

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« Ответ #11271 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:33:21 »
PedroPM94,  It is better to wait, maybe devs can give you real answer? :)

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11272 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 21:42:25 »
...а потом уменьшаешь слои сортировки. :lol: и смотрим на этот скрин: https://i.imgur.com/zRYx2qW.png
пытаясь задать вопрос "ты много биосов до конца прошел здесь?".

This is what appears when i run that. I get no info whatsoever on the GPU part and for some reason only two cores are on from a total of 4.

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PedroPM94,  It is better to wait, maybe devs can give you real answer? :)

That is what i´m hoping for as well buddy. :)

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11273 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:08:46 »
This is what appears when i run that.
во время игры частота ЦП стабильна, или изменяется?

Google Translate:
during the game, is the CPU frequency stable or changing?

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11274 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:11:20 »
во время игры частота ЦП стабильна, или изменяется?

Google Translate:
during the game, is the CPU frequency stable or changing?

Where do i check that? Is the CPU frequency those green bars? If yes, then they are constantly as in the picture. Also, i do have 4 cores, just like you, but for some reason only two are appearing on HWiNFO.

Онлайн Ogr

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« Ответ #11275 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:18:46 »
Is the CPU frequency those green bars?

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11276 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:19:25 »

So, like i said, they are pretty stable around the level they are in the picture i showed.  ;)

Оффлайн MetalliC

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« Ответ #11277 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:27:42 »
Also, i do have 4 cores, just like you, but for some reason only two are appearing on HWiNFO.
no, i5-4200U have only 2 cores, but 4 threads i.e. it kind of pretends to be 4core
anyway, I think such CPU should be enough for Demul. make sure there is no other software produce significant CPU load - exit from Demul, run Task Manager and check CPU load bars there, they should be close to zero.

Оффлайн PedroPM94

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« Ответ #11278 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 22:42:09 »
no, i5-4200U have only 2 cores, but 4 threads i.e. it kind of pretends to be 4core
anyway, I think such CPU should be enough for Demul. make sure there is no other software produce significant CPU load - exit from Demul, run Task Manager and check CPU load bars there, they should be close to zero.

These are the results. Neither the CPU or the GPU is under too massive of loads, which is odd. Any tip? I have already tried a couple of things i mentioned above. This is running Demul with no other background task that takes away too much from the CPU. I have no idea what the values were, when Demul worked at Full Speed just two weeks ago, because since it was working good, i did not bother checking, but i imagine they had to be higher than this. The program is barely using my GPU, and my CPU is far from being abused by it as well. Any tip?

Also, when nothing is being used, the CPU load is indeed close to zero as you mention.

Оффлайн MetalliC

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« Ответ #11279 : 23 Декабрь 2018, 23:06:45 »
I see, no good ideas then...