Title: Sacred Line: Genesis
Platform: Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (Region-Free)
Genre: Visual Novel / Quest
Works on real hardware: Yes, tested via Everdrive on Genesis Model 1 with CRT 4:3 TV
Status: In Development (Current version is 0.1a)
Release date: 2013
Format: digital ROM (.bin file)
Game rating: 18+ (Mature)
Official site: http://sashadarko.com/genesis.htmlDownload: 0.1a (Alpha, contains grammar errors and minor audio bug. Tested on Genesis 1 and 2 models and working fine)
About:Not long ago I started to port my own game Sacred Line (it's free and was released for PC and Mac, later ported to Linux) to the one of my favourite consoles - Mega Drive.
Originally it's a first person surreal thriller with red-black-white style, while Mega Drive / Genesis port is a Visual Novel / Quest Adventure and it's much darker than original game in every aspect (especially graphics-wise, considering downgrade), it also moved more into a horror (plus has a slightly different story and explains things which were left unexplained in the original).
The game is free of censorship and recommended for Mature audience only (pretty much anti-religious plot combined with blood/gore, nudity, strong language, mature humor, etc.).
While original game has only two endings (normal and secret), port will contain both of them + plus lots of bad endings.
The game will use checkpoint system.
The Fighting Fantasy style battle system (yes, playing with dice in front of your TV or Monitor) is currently in stage of concept.
Photos/Screenshots (Sega Genesis 1 HD, Kega Fusion 3.64):