Kabal, I have some suggestions for the next version of UMKT (I think he's still working on it): 1) Noob's Dorfen add that scenario can add the scenario Based on the MK Revelations, 2) can be scenario The Graveyard Or The Star Bridge MKT N64,
You could also add these special moves added to such fighters as in other versions already known
Moves of MK Revelations
New movement for MK1 Kano Blade Spin B, F + (X), as does the movement in MK Revelations,
Moves of MKT
Johnny Cage MKT Red Shadow Kick Move: B, B, F + (Z)
Kano UMK 3 Move Psycho Cannonball: F, D, F + (C) and MKT N64,
Kung Lao UMK3 Move Double Teleport: D, D, U Liu Kang UMK3 Red Bicycle Kick: Hols (C) 3 seconds, B, F, Release (C), Sektor Move Double Missiles B, B, F + (A) Sindel Move Double Fireball: B, B, F + (A), Stryker Moves UMK3 Double High Grenade F, D, B + (X) Double Low Grenade F, D, B + (A)