Автор Тема: Новые официальные лицензионные контроллеры SEGA Mega Drive (Genesis) 2019 г.  (Прочитано 6110 раз)

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Оффлайн DDD

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Комментарий под видео, в котором говорится, что D-pad (крестовина) в новых 8-кн. (или 6-кн.) контроллерах не такая, как в оригинальных 6-кн.


Hi, the dpad is not like the original. The original has a teflon type pivot in the center, if you push the center of it down you feel them hit. You can then pivot the pad around this point. It made the original feel the way they should, you physically cant engage opposites on it. This copy pad is just a plate sitting directly on the rubber membraine pad, when you push its center down all 4 directions get pressed. The pad doesnt register all at the same time but it gives it the feel of cheap copy controllers. It was a real shame for me, very few reviewers are bothered by it, i assume as this is how most dpads are made but the pivot for me is what made the mega drive pad so good and i thoughy it might be worth mentioning for others looking for a good mega drive replica. Retroflag make a pad with a good dpad but thier pads overall size is smaller than the uk official pads size and hence less confortable but for those with smaller hands id recomend that over this. Or a mega drive to usb adaptor and an offical pad! Thank you for the videos, they are awesome!