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4DO Alpha
Yaranga, 11:14, 08-08-2011
Эмулятор 3DO на базе исходников FreeDO но с собственным интерфейсом. Обновился за ближайшие сутки два раза подряд, выкладываем наиболее свежую версию.
- I've just uploaded 4DO! In this version, I sought out to flesh out some of the basic UI features the emulator needs. I have added the following:
* Full screen mode - I'm still using winforms to blit images, so this is merely windowed fullscreen mode, but it's performing rather well.
* Window resize snapping - The window resizes to 50% original screen width intervals. For example, you could resize the form to 350% by 200%. I vainly added it because I've always preferred emulators with this feature. This setting can optionally be disabled by the user.
* Toggle for preserving image aspect ratio
* Toggle for image smoothing. (i.e. Nearest Neighbor vs. Binlinear)
* Ability to reset the console.
* Ability to pause emulation and step frame-by-frame
* Toggle for remembering the pause status of the emulator at startup. (this will primarily be useful to developing 4DO)
Next, I intend to resolve the crashes people have reported. As I understand it, XP and 64-bit windows currently do not work at all.
Since 64-bit support might force the issue, I may also look into 4DO deployment. Currently it's merely folk knowledge that you need the .NET runtimes to run the emulator. I personally prefer lightweight xcopy/zip deployments, so if if the list of dependencies is manageable, I will most likely try to find away to just let the user know about this. I also know of a way to pack dependent DLLs into the 4DO, so I might resort to this.
Happy gaming!
- Version alpha includes:
* NVRAM support : Quite the lazy job on my part. It just saves to "NVRAM_SaveData.ram" in the same directory as 4DO.exe. This is non-configurable, but it works!
I believe XP 64-bit windows issues were primarily just the absence of the C++ runtimes. So, as far as development for 4DO goes, the next item would be playing from CD and/or supporting other formats.
In other news, I've been attempting to touch base with any remainders of the FreeDO development team. There are several versions of FreeDO that were never "officially" released. These versions have noticeable improvements (mainly graphics) in the core that I would like to make use of. It seems like a waste to have two 3DO emulators developed simultaneously when there is such little development going on at all. I'm unsure if this will mean me merging into what's left of the FreeDO development effort, or if it means them merging into 4DO, or if it means that my diplomatic efforts fail and I'm just given the finger and told to mind my own business. I'm pretty certain that it will affect what happens with 4DO in the future.
Anonymous [16:09, 08-08-2011]
новый эмулятор дениса попова?
Сегаист [17:45, 08-08-2011]
Yaranga [18:05, 08-08-2011]
Всё по-честному, авторы не скрывают что за основу взят FreeDO.
westx [16:23, 09-08-2011]
не мешала бы поддержка геймпада
Same X (aka Cube) [07:32, 10-08-2011]
Понимаю, без пада неудобно. Но покуда, либо так либо никак.
Попробуй настройки повертеть, или joytokey приколоть.
Попробуй настройки повертеть, или joytokey приколоть.
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