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4DO v1.3.2.2
Iron, 11:11, 20-04-2013
Новый стабильный релиз эмулятора 3DO для Windows.
- Added emulation notification messages – These show up at the bottom of the screen for things such as “Save State” and “Screenshot saved”. There is also a setting under the General tab to turn them off.
- Emulation performance optimization – about a 5-10% improvement.
- Input/Controller setup screen now shows a textual form of what button or function you’re currently pressing (“A Button”, “Save State”) in addition to the yellow halo over the button.
- Added ability to reset all bindings to defaults.
- Added ability to bind to an “Exit” console function, to exit the emulator.
- Fixed bug in which the default input bindings were blank if starting 4DO for the first time.
- Fixed bug in which controller 6 input bindings were unavailable.
- Some minor usability improvements to file browser (added “x files selected” message, and using “up directory” button will highlight the folder you came from).
- Chinese translation improvements

Sten [21:01, 20-04-2013]
Скорости так и неприбавилось....
Яранга [12:50, 22-04-2013]
Зато китайцы будут довольны интерфейсом на родном языке! :)
(Creative Sparks).png)
Stagecoach (1984)(Creative Sparks)
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