Emulator - Added Discord integration support for Apple Silicon Macs - Fixed black bar on the OpenGL 3.0 Core renderer - Fixed screenshots on the Direct3D 9 renderer - Fixed crash when switching to full screen mode the Direct3D 9 renderer - Fixed screen area being incorrectly resized in full screen mode - Attempted fix for random FluidSynth - Changed audio back-end to OpenAL again, please let us know if you have sound issues! - Improved some Linux app metadata odds and ends User interface - Added global preference to fix the starting directory for file prompts on macOS - Fixed Settings section list being too narrow on some host machines - Fixed incorrect button order on the hard reset confirmation message - Fixed incorrect icons on some warning and error messages - Fixed incorrect warning message shown when Ghostscript is missing - Improved status bar activity indicator performance - Updated translation: Portuguese (Brazil) Machines - Added Soltek SL-56A5 Socket 7 motherboard - Added S3 86C805 internal video controller to the DECpc LPV - Added ability to load an optional language ROM (roms/machines/ibmps1_2121/F80000.BIN) on the IBM PS/1 model 2121 - Fixed Amstrad MegaPC internal video controller and CMOS password issues - Fixed MR BIOS 386SX clone and Acer V10 allowing selection of a non-existent internal video controller Hardware Core - Added fast PIT mode for improved performance when emulating 486 and newer CPUs - Fixed miscellaneous issues on machines with the ALi M1543(C) southbridge - Fixed Windows NT 3.1 installation issue on IBM 486 CPUs - Fixed RTC timer interrupt emulation inaccuracy - Fixed PIC poll mode emulation inaccuracy - Improved PIT, RTC and ACPI timer emulation performance Display - Added support for a secondary MDA or Hercules video card - Added IBM XGA-2 add-on graphics accelerator for MCA (original) and ISA (clone) - Added Reply Video Adapter (Cirrus Logic GD5426) MCA video card - Added BOCA Research 4610 (Cirrus Logic GD5428) ISA video card - Added Orchid Kelvin EZ (Cirrus Logic GD5430 and GD5434) VLB video cards - Fixed hard reset crash on the Trident TGUI 9400CXi - Fixed one instance of an emulator crash with a CMDFIFO packet 5 bad space message on the Voodoo 3 - Fixed corrupted graphics with S3 cards on BeOS - Fixed 16-bit 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 modes on ELSA Winner 2000 Pro/X S3 cards - Fixed Windows 2.10 display issues on the IBM 8514/A - Fixed overscan display issue on the IBM 8514/A - Fixed 40x25 CGA text mode on the IBM PGC - Improved VGA CRTC emulation performance Input - Improved joystick emulation performance when none is selected Sound - Added ymfm as a faster alternative for OPL2/3 emulation (can be enabled in the Sound settings; the more accurate NukedOPL is still default) - Added Sound Blaster 16 Reply MCA sound card - Added IRQ and DMA configuration to the AdLib Gold - Added IRQ configuration to the MCA standalone MPU-401 - Added SB MIDI input configuration to the Sound Blaster Pro MCV - Fixed MT-32 LCD message staying on the status bar after a reset - Fixed PnP Sound Blaster cards incorrectly retaining PnP configuration after a reset - Upgraded MT-32 emulation to Munt version 2.7.0 Network - Added Western Digital WD8013EP/A MCA network controller - Improved AMD PCnet emulation performance Storage - Added hard disk speed emulator for IDE and ESDI disks - Added Rancho RT1000B-MC MCA SCSI controller - Fixed tertiary/quaternary IDE and cassette options resetting themselves - Fixed a cue/bin emulation inaccuracy affecting some copy-protected CDs - Fixed IBM PS/2 SCSI Adapter detecting multiple copies of the same disk - Fixed Longshine LCS-6821N SCSI ASPI driver for DOS - Fixed status bar activity indicator on the IBM ESDI MCA disk controller - Fixed emulator crash with a Bad attention request message with the IBM ESDI MCA disk controller - Fixed emulator crash with a Write_MULTIPLE message when exiting DOS mode on Windows 3.1 with an IDE hard disk - Fixed emulator crash with a Hard disk image message when a host I/O error occurs on a VHD image Known issues - Enabling or disabling Resizable window while the secondary display output window is enabled crashes the emulator - Closing the secondary display output window does not reflect on the option to enable it

CutThroat Island
Игры Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
» Эмуляция Nintendo Switch 05:28
» Пиратская бухта. Некачественные прохождения. 00:41
» [NES] Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones 00:37
» Некачественные прохождения игр серии Jurassic Park 00:24
» Вопросы по покупке телевизора. 00:06
» Пройденные игры 00:03
» Совместное прохождение игр c участием Ниндзя 23:50
» PCem - эмулятор старого PC-железа 22:46
» [ALL] Вопросы новичков 22:23
» Все о Ubisoft 21:02
» Аркадный джойстик 20:31
» РГБ модификация ЭЛТ телика 20:17
» Картридж Кластера (Многоигровочка Кластера) или CoolGirl 19:41
» [ALL] CHEATS & MODS 19:33
» [SNES] Super Famicom помогите пожалуйста починить, нет изображения 19:06