Emulator - Added Auto-pause on focus loss option - Added 4:3 integer scale option for full screen mode - Added -X/--clear cmos|flash|both command line option to reset the machine’s CMOS data and/or BIOS flash - Added -M/--dumpmissing command line option to output a list all machines and video cards for which ROMs are missing - Added -Y/--donothing command line option to output the initial log information then exit - Fixed Discord integration option remaining active if integration is not supported on the host platform - Changed minimum supported configuration file version (machines last used on 86Box versions older than v3.0 final must be loaded on v4.0 or v3.11 first to convert their configuration files) User interface - Moved on-board device settings from the machine’s Configure button to the devices’ respective Configure buttons - Fixed on-board sound and network incorrectly selectable as secondary devices - Fixed Softfloat FPU incorrectly available on machines with no FPU - Updated translations: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese Machines - Added Intel CU430HX Socket 7 motherboard (retail version of the Toshiba Equium 5200D) - Added on-board Sound Blaster ViBRA 16 sound to the Intel Advanced/EV and Toshiba Equium 5200D - Fixed MSI MS-5119 PS/2 mouse issues by updating the BIOS - Fixed NCR PC4i memory amount selection glitches - Fixed boot issues with PCI cards on the PC Chips M579 and M729 - Fixed Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 crashing the emulator on startup - Fixed Compaq Portable series gas plasma display glitches - Fixed non-functional minimum memory amounts on the Soyo 4SAW2 and Zida Tomato 4DP - Fixed inaccurate BIOS CPU frequency read-outs on several Intel motherboards - Fixed incorrect Planar ID on the IBM PS/2 Model 60 (again) - Changed IBM PS/2 Model 70 Type 4 to require CPUs with a built-in FPU - Changed Quadtel 286 clone to require Softfloat FPU Hardware Core - Fixed constant host disk writes caused by applications which actively use the real time clock - Fixed INS and OUTS instruction behavior on the NEC V20 and V30 Display - Fixed ATI Mach32 conflicting with Voodoo cards - Fixed graphics corruption upon switching from interlaced graphics to text mode on Cirrus Logic and Paradise cards - Fixed graphics corruption with Paradise and Trident TGUI cards on specific video modes - Fixed IBM XGA not detected by the XGAKIT tool - Fixed more specific graphics corruption issues on the IBM 8514/A and XGA - Changed Image Manager 1024 to the 8-bit ISA bus (requires a V20 or V30 CPU) Sound - Added Sound Blaster ViBRA 16C, 16S and 16XV cards - Fixed Gravis Ultrasound MIDI playback issues - Fixed FM synthesis issues on cards with the Yamaha OPL4 - Changed IDE channel on Plug and Play Sound Blaster cards to quaternary - Changed ROM locations for Plug and Play and AWE32 Sound Blaster cards Network - Fixed PLIP crashing the emulator upon sending any packets Ports - Fixed serial port passthrough setting incorrect host port parameters on Linux and macOS hosts Storage - Increased the maximum CD-ROM drive count to 8 - Added IBM PS/2 SCSI Adapter (Tribble) for MCA machines - Fixed incorrectly switched resources on the tertiary and quaternary IDE controllersAdded IBM PS/2 SCSI Adapter (Tribble) for MCA machines - Fixed issues with CD audio track timing on specific cue/bin images - Fixed Adaptec AHA-154xB incorrectly working with later incompatible versions of the DOS driver
Правда, не всё так гладко. Но чем PCem от 86Box и отличается - последний активно развивается, постоянно добавляется эмуляция множества железа (пусть не всегда быстрая), допиливается, исправляются ошибки и т.п. а PCem замер... и то ли будет развиваться дальше, то ли нет.
(Hewson Consultants).png)
Quest Adventure (1983)(Hewson Consultants)
Игры ZX Spectrum
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