[changes] - Devices: Internal device tree storage has changed. Device trees may need to be remade. - Input: Added detection and button naming for DualShock 4 controllers. - VBXE: VideoBoard XE configuration has been moved from the menu to a device entry. [features added] - Cassette: Added initial support for turbo tape decoding. - Cassette: Mounted tape is now persisted along with other mounted images. - Cassette: %%-age position is now shown on HUD. - Cassette: Improved FSK decoder. - Cassette: Added analysis tool to compare raw signal against FSK and turbo decoder outputs. - Cassette: Added option to export decoded tape back out as audio. - Debugger: History pane now has a more powerful loop detector that can handle larger loops and call/loop nesting. - Debugger: History pane can now label each instruction with tape position. - Debugger: .tapedata command now accepts position by sample (-s). - Debugger: Added bsc command to change condition on a breakpoint. - Debugger: Undocumented store and read/modify/write instructions are now shown with write symbols rather than read symbols. - Debugger: Extended .pia command output. - Debugger: .basic_dumpline now supports reading program text from extended memory. - Debugger: ~ (target info) command displays coprocessor types and speeds. - Debugger: Added support for per-instruction breakpoints. - Debugger: u (unassemble) command now has switches to track 65C816 M/X/E state. - Debugger: Memory access breakpoints are now supported in banks $01-FF. - Debugger: added bta (set tracepoint on memory access) command. - Debugger: db/dw/dsb/dsw/dsd expression operators now accept 24-bit addresses. - Debugger: Symbols can now be present above bank 0. - Devices: Added browser device (B:). - Devices: Added feature to IDEPlus 2.0 to guard against NVRAM corruption on reset during clock reads. - Devices: Added XEL-CF adapter emulation. - Devices: Added Rapidus Accelerator emulation. - Devices: An automatic reboot is now requested before adding or removing devices that practically require one. - Disk: ATX images are now saved with a unique creator code. - Disk: Added support for ATX images with MFM tracks. - PCLink: Added option to use creation timestamps passed in commands. - SCSI: Fast/slow block storage speed is now implemented on SCSI buses. - UI: Added support for per-monitor V2 DPI awareness in Windows 10 Creator's Update. - VBXE: Added option to emulate FX1.24 or FX1.26 behavior. - VBXE: Overlay collision detection is now implemented. - VBXE: Improved blitter timing precision to sub-scanline. [bugs fixed] - AltirraOS: Fixed polarity of CKEY flag. - ATBasic: Added compatibility workaround for programs that use locations 183 and 184 to read the current DATA line. - Cartridge: Fixed error when loading untagged cartridge from drag-and-drop stream source. - Cheats: Fixed sorting issues in active list. - CPU: Fixed 65C816 being reverted to emulation mode when changing CPU speed dynamically. - CPU: Interrupts in 65C816 emulation mode now force K=0. - CPU: Fix incorrect extra cycle for opcode $04 (NOP zp). - Debugger: Disassembly window now scrolls properly above bank 0. - Debugger: Improved breakpoint and stepping behavior with coprocessors. - Debugger: Fixed incorrect execution history timings for Percom disk drives. - Debugger: Fixed crash when toggling breakpoints through UI on top of hidden break/tracepoints from loaded symbols. - Debugger: Fixed crash with certain command alias patterns using wildcards. - Devices: Fixed IDEPlus 2.0 to have internal SDX at higher priority than external cart. - Devices: Fixed MIDI SysEx message parsing issues with MidiMate emulation. - Disk: Tightened validation when mounting MyDOS filesystems. - Disk: Fixed crash when expanding archives in filesystems with empty directories. - Display: Improved display recovery when secondary monitors are turned on or off. - Display: Added workaround for breaking change in Windows 10 build 1709 that caused D3D9 exclusive fullscreen mode to not render. - Display: Fixed some reporting and stability issues in custom D3D9 shader effect system. - IDE: Serial number field in identify command data is now padded with spaces. - PCLink: Directory search operations now return creation time instead of last write time. - POKEY: Serial output data is now truncated when the output clock is stopped. - POKEY: Fixed keys not being immediately recognized in raw mode when exiting init mode. - UI: Fixed /type not working on cold boot. - UI: Fix garbage when pasting text copied from WordPad. - VBXE: Attribute map is now constrained to 43 cells rather than a lower limit of 8 pixels horizontally. - VBXE: Added emulation of color 0 bug in GR.11 in FX1.24 core. - VBXE: Blit pattern width field is now 6 bits instead of 7. - VBXE: Overlay priority is reset to $FF at top of XDL.
(Ocean Software).png)
Robocop (1988)(Ocean Software)
Игры ZX Spectrum
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