[changes] - Debugging symbols and debugger scripts are no longer automatically loaded by default unless the debugger is active. This can be changed in the Debugger section of Configure System -AltirraOS is now versioned independently of the main emulator. See changelog in export ROM set output for details - The direct read filter for cassette tapes has been lowered in bandwidth to reduce load failures on FSK-encoded glitches. The filter bandwidth can now be adjusted in Configure System, Cassette [features added] - Additions: Colormap now supports CTIA systems - AltirraOS: Minor improvements to text I/O performance - Cartridge: Flash memory type can now be changed for Maxflash 8mb cartridges - Cassette: Added option for detecting and automatically switching BASIC when booting tapes based on whether the tape starts with a BASIC or binary program - Debugger: #comments can now be used in .atdbg files - Debugger: @(...) within an expression causes that subexpression to be evaluated immediately - Debugger: .diskdumpsec now dumps phantom sectors for a virtual sector - Debugger: .disktrack now has an option for drive number - Debugger: Added support for bank-specific addresses in MaxFlash cartridges using t:$XX'YYYY syntax - Debugger: Added options for controlling auto-load of symbols and debugger scripts - Debugger: Added menu option to list source files associated with line debugging information - Devices: Added emulation of APE Warp+ OS 32-in-1 device - Disk: Added support for physical sector size chunk in ATX images - Disk: Fixed XF551 standard emulation mode to force SD format with command $21 when the current mode is enhanced density - Display: Added new overscan mode for typical widescreen displays - Display: Added controls for scanline intensity and scaling overall display intensity - Display: Optimized standard NTSC artifacting algorithm - Display: Added option to hide all on-screen indicator overlays - Display: Added color preset for NTSC 800 computer - Display: Added option to accelerate some screen effects using shaders when Direct3D 11 is enabled - Firmware: Version numbers are now displayed for the internal OS and BASIC ROM images - HLE: Program loader now detects and throws an error on an attempt to load an MS-DOS or Windows program into the emulator - Input: Added Arrow Keys -> Paddle A preset - Input: Digital sources can now be bound to the Paddle Knob input on paddle controllers to use the paddle lines as switches - U1MB: Stereo POKEY and Covox control is automatically enabled when Ultimate1MB and stereo/Covox are both enabled - UI: Added a GUI option in settings for switching between portable and registry mode - UI: Added visual drop targets for different drag and drop modes, formerly only available via right-drag-drop - UI: Added overview and recommendation pages to Configure System - UI: Escaping is now supported for text copy and paste - UI: Alt+click message help has been extended to also decode common POKE and PEEK addresses [bugs fixed] - AltirraOS: FDIV no longer returns 0 for 0/0 - AltirraOS: AFP(".") properly returns an error instead of 0 - AltirraOS: EXP10() was returning an error instead of underflowing to 0 for some large negative inputs - AltirraOS: Pressing reset on the boot screen now forces BASIC to do a cold boot - AltirraOS: Type 3 poll loop is now exited on user break error to fix infinite boot loop with Black Box firmware - AltirraOS: Corrected ICBLLZ/ICBLHZ values after CIO get commands - AltirraOS: Pressing Help now sets HELPFG - ATBasic: Fixed crash when Break is pressed prior to startup banner - Audio: Fixed crash on system with no sound card - Cartridge: Manually inserted BASIC cartridges are now persisted across runs of the emulator - Cartridge: Fixed broken DB 32K mode (CAR type 5) - Cartridge: The!Cart 16K banking modes no longer use the secondary bank write protect flag - Cartridge: Fixed The!Cart disable mode sometimes leaving bank windows active - Cartridge: Corrected definition of MegaMax 2M mode (CAR type 61) to support banking on reads - Cartridge: Corrected definition of 2M megacart mode (CAR type 64) - Cassette: References to tapes mounted directly as .zip files without a direct reference to a file within the zip are now persisted properly across runs - Debugger: Improved Turbo-Basic XL support in the .basic_vars and .basic_dumpstack commands - Debugger: Fixed listing directives getting executed twice for carts - Debugger: Step Over past an interrupt no longer exits the current scope - Debugger: Mini-assembler no longer emits ROR opcodes as LSR - Debugger: Fix crash in MADS symbol parser with single-character labels - Debugger: .readmem and .writemem now accept quoted paths - Devices: Black Box no longer powers up disabled on startup if exactly DIP switches 1-4 are enabled - Disk: Full disk emulators now report address CRC errors properly ($E7) - Disk: Improved accuracy of disk errors from XF551 full drive emulation - Disk: Improved emulation of FDC not ready bit ($80) - Disk: Read Address now returns sectors with data CRC errors - Disk: The non-standard sector size option of the 1771 is now partially supported - Disk: Deleted sector marks can now be written by the Write Sector command - Disk: Interrupted Write Sector commands now affect the disk image - Disk: Rotate disk command now works with full disk drive emulation - Disk Explorer: Fixed crash when write flush fails due to another program locking the disk image file - Display: Fixed a high CPU usage issue with enhanced text display when paused - HLE: FP acceleration no longer returns 0 for 0/0 - SAP: Lowered SAP type D player from $0800 to $0400 to improve compatibility with files that have a low load address - Input: Fixed Shift key state sometimes being incorrect when Shift was pressed/released while holding another key. The emulated Shift key state is now updated on Shift key changes while other keys are held - Input: The Input State and Console controllers are no longer blocked in 5200 mode - PerfAnalyzer: Fixed sporadic errors in profiling sub-view when profiling short CPU trace ranges - Profiler: Fixed a bug causing the function and basic block modes to misattribute some interrupt time to the parent function/block - Profiler: Fixed broken BASIC line profiling mode - Save States: Fixed save state errors with 65C816 CPU modes - Simulator: Fixed crash when single-stepping prior to computer being turned on with disk drive CPU selected - UI: Fixed CIO acceleration options not being bound correctly in new configure system dialog - UI: Disk drives dialog no longer appears hidden the first time it is ever used - UI: Fixed argument parsing error when emulator is launched with argv[0] containing forward slashes - UI: Fixed incorrect partial switch matching on command line, e.g. "/disk1" being interpreted as "/disk 1" - VBXE: Overlay width setting %%11 now correctly selects narrow width instead of wide width
![Super Wing Commander (1994)(Origin)(US)[!]](http://ss.emu-land.net/3do_pict/swc2a.png)
Super Wing Commander (1994)(Origin)(US)[!]
Игры 3DO
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