[changes] - Display: Direct3D 11 and borderless mode are now enabled by default for new installs - Input: Light pens and light guns have been split for 4.10+. Input presets may need to be updated and offsets readjusted - UI: ANTIC/GTIA visualization options have been moved to the Debug menu [features added] - Audio: Added option downmixing stereo POKEY output to mono - Audio: Added 800 console speaker acoustics simulation - Cartridge: Added support for CAR types 71-75 (5200 Super Cart, bank 0 init version of MaxFlash 8Mbit) - Cartridge: Added support for the XE Multicart - Cartridge: Added support for SIC+ - Cassette: Added config variable to manually tweak balance between mark/space bit detectors - Cassette: Added support for PWM encoded turbo data in CAS files - Cassette: Added support for SIO data out controlled turbo (Turbo Blizzard) - Custom Devices: The priority of memory layers can now be customized - Debugger: Memory locations can now be edited in the Memory pane - Debugger: Memory pane now has an option to display 8bpp graphics - Debugger: Randomize Memory on EXE Load option now logs when randomization occurs and uses the global randomization seed - Debugger: .loadobj and .loadmem now take VFS paths - Debugger: Added .error command to decode various error codes - Debugger: Added Breakpoints pane and Ctrl+B as a shortcut for a new breakpoint - Debugger: Added initial support for DWARF5 debugging information from LLVM-MOS .elf files - Debugger: Disassembly window now supports address expressions and mixed source/disassembly view - Devices: Improved selection behavior when adding or removing devices - Devices: NVRAM can now be isolated per profile and follows the temporary profile state - Devices: Added SimCovox support - Devices: Added shortcut command to temporarily mount VHD images in Windows to access FAT32 partitions - Devices: APT partitions on hard disks can now be opened in Disk Explorer - Disk: Added emulation of buffered track reads for Happy 1050 and Speedy 1050 devices in standard emulation mode - Disk: 810/1050 full drive emulations now warn on attempts to use double-sided disks that can't be read in those drives - Display: SDR/HDR balance in HDR mode can now use the system-wide SDR intensity setting - Display: Added support for DXGI 1.3 seamless custom refresh rate support on integrated display panels - Display: Reduced buffered frame latency in display paths - Display: Added adaptive speed option to lock to refresh rate for reduced latency - Firmware: Added detection of several XF551 firmware ROMs - HDevice: Added full long filename mode - HLE: Program loader now simulates SDFS disk in Disk Boot mode to auto-trigger EXE load under SDX - Input: Extended immediate pots option to allow support immediate light pen/gun inputs - Input: Added interactive tool to recalibrate light pen/gun offset - Input: Improved accuracy of light pen/gun trigger pulse timing - Input: Added an option for light pen/gun noise - PerfAnalyzer: Added support for exporting to Chrome tracing format - Tape Editor: Bit position is now marked purple if a single bit flip is identified that would fix a bad checksum in a standard block - UI: The Check for Updates dialog now has a link to the internal RSS feed used to deliver the new update info - UI: Added support for copying and pasting characters from the interactional character set - UI: Keyboard shortcut dialog now has better support for binding Alt+keys and is more keyboard accessible - UI: Added dark mode support for checkboxes and radio buttons - UI: Alt+click decode can now decode MyDOS error messages - UI: Paste can now paste visible control characters from Unicode - UI: Improved clarity of screenshots captured with true aspect ratio by changing image filter [bugs fixed] - Additions: Fixed BRK instruction in LOADEXE.COM - AltirraOS: Improved compatibility of TIMFLG usage and initial register values on tape boot - Cartridge: Fixed banking issues with SIC! during flashing and when loading save states - Cassette: Accelerated C: loads now handle block reads with timeouts longer than 30 seconds - Cassette: Accelerated C: loads now set TIMFLG - Cassette: Fixed FLAC decoder errors with some files - Custom Devices: Blocked ++/-- increment operators to avoid confusion (they were parsed as pairs of unary operators, which was usually not intended) - Debugger: Fixed memory window horizontal scrollbar not updating after some changes - Debugger: Fixed long pauses or broken history listings when toggling the collapse options in the History window - Debugger: Fixed .printf command outputting a garbled character with %d/i format - Debugger: Improved load speed of source windows - Debugger: Fixed symbol-related crash when opening source windows with deferred symbol loads - Debugger: Fixed Step Out/Into commands not using source mode in an undocked source window - Debugger: Fast boot hook now marks memory as preset to avoid tripping false uninitialized memory errors when heat map trapping is enabled - Debugger: Source window was keeping stale source line data when reloading symbols - Debugger: Fixed ##BANK annotations in MADS listings not being parsed properly with decimal bank numbers - Debugger: Fixed bug where memory access breakpoints would stop working after clearing other access breakpoints at the same address - Devices: Fixed SD card multiple-block write command - Devices: Fixed SD card state not being reset on SD power toggle - Devices: Fixed bug with virtual FAT16/FAT32 hard drives returning bad sector data when re-reading final partial data sectors of a file - Disk: Fixed too short timeout for Record Not Found (RNF) errors - Disk: Improved sound of recalibrations in 810-based standard emulation modes - Disk: Retuned receive rates for Happy 810 and Happy 1050 standard emulation modes - Disk: Fixed idle motor-off timeout occurring too quickly after long commands with retries - Disk: XF551 full emulator now supports IN A,BUS instruction used by some modified firmware - Disk Explorer: Fix incorrect Unicode mappings for control characters in viewer - Display: Reduced frame jitter in D3D11 windowed mode on Windows 8.1+ - Display: Fixed monochrome modes with VBXE or high artifacting - Display: Fixed low quality text rendering in D3D11 mode after a change in HDR mode - Display: Fixed crash when forced out of D3D11 exclusive full screen mode by OS due to an overlapping window - HDevice: Fixed append mode not working for files on H6-H9: - Input: Fixed vertical offset on light pen/gun position in PAL - Input: Add Ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 as an alias for Ctrl+Shift+0 to work around Windows stealing this key for a keyboard layout switching shortcut - PerfAnalyzer: Tape channels now show proper jumps when accelerated loads occur - PerfAnalyzer: Fixed NMI showing as IRQ when NMI preempts IRQ - PCLink: Directory enumerations now report if a directory is the root or a subdirectory - PCLink: Improved path compatibility with standard SpartaDOS X path parser - POKEY: Fixed glitches in low linked timer 3 audio output when updating linked timer 3+4 state - POKEY: Improved accuracy of serial port clock timing - POKEY: Serial output bit state is no longer reset by initialization mode - POKEY: Improved accuracy of timer reloads - Profiler: Fixed negative unhalted cycle counts showing up around STA WSYNC instructions - SaveStates: Fixed bug where sprite engine could get desynced after loading a save state - Tape Editor: Fixed draw tool using wrong threshold for bit polarity with waveform display enabled - Tape Editor: Fixed SIO capture option not showing enable state on menu - Tape Editor: Captured accelerated C: loads now show sync bytes - Tape Editor: Block checksum status is more reliably shown during live SIO data capture - Tape Editor: Fixed extraneous bit data being added when saving a new CAS file after editing - UI: Reduced glitches when toggling the debugger or full screen mode - UI: /startuplog can now exclude log channels with '-' and ignores Ctrl+C - UI: Removed delay when switching from very slow speed (1%) to t - UI: Progress dialogs are now suppressed in exclusive full screen mode to avoid popping out of full screen when loading tapes - UI: Fixed non-native file browser not working with UNC paths - UI: Fixed focus glitching when selecting a docked tab with an undocked pane selected - UI: Fixed an issue where Unicode text would sometimes be read out of the clipboard as ANSI text

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