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bsnes v0.059.2
MetalliC, 20:01, 11-01-2010
Новая версия самого точного эмулятора Super Nintendo с незначительными улучшениями.
- v059.02 changelog:
- added folder-up button to the file loading window
- hid new-folder button except on path selection window
- removed "Assign Modifiers as Keys" button; replaced with input.modifierEnable in the configuration file
- fixed a Qt signal issue that was causing ROM loading to take an extra second or two longer than necessary
- scale 5x setting will now maintain an exact multiple in both width and height for both NTSC and PAL modes
- re-added group assignment and unassignment to the input settings window
- re-wrote mouse capture code to be more intuitive, now uses buttons to set assignment
- re-added input.allowInvalidInput check to stop up+down and left+right key combinations by default [Jonas Quinn]
- split "Tools Dialog" menu option into separate items for each tool (Cheat Editor, Cheat Finder, State Manager)
- added S-SMP and S-DSP property information readouts to the debugge
(Omega Software).png)
Galactic Gambler (1984)(Omega Software)
Игры ZX Spectrum
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