-All WIP previous enhacements -General +Fixed a bug when entering the options menu without starting a driver (Thanks to FJ Marti) +If a driver is not initialized when exiting the list, no buttons are displayed +Added multiple directories for arcade ROMS separated by ';' (requested by Davide) +Fixed enter full screen when changing from video menu +K054000: Added protection chip +K053246-K053247-K055673: Implemented functions to show sprites -GameBoy/GameBoy Color +Rewritted the video functions +Corrected read/write of MBC5 mapper extra memory +Corrected the sound 'mode 3' +Corrected reading of the joystick/buttons when ussing the IRQ +Improved way to compare the current line that generates an IRQ +Improved timings of the current line +GameBoy Color -Corrected the size of the palette records. Fixed when the palette pointer is automatically advanced -Improved way to change speed +Improved loading a cartridge with an extra header before the data +Added mappers HuC-1 (to be confirmed) and MBC2 -Pacman HW +Added the rest of dipswitch +Added screen rotation +Crush Roller: Added driver with sound -Galaxian HW +Fixed Scrambre sound, caused errors when closing the driver -TNZS HW +Corrected audio initialization -TMNT HW +TMNT: Changed the ROMS to 2 players version -The Simpsons +Fixed video and audio +Graphics problems (possible bug in the CPU) +Changed the ROMS to the 2 Players version (requested by Davide) -Vendetta (requested by Davide) +Added driver with sound
Chuck II - Son of Chuck
Игры Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
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