Bug fixes: - Hard reset was not disabling the ZX Printer motor - The ZX Printer emulation was not signalling when the stylus was off the paper - The ZX Printer window was compressing the width of the paper by 2 pixels - The wrong folder was being searched for the ZX Interface 1 ROM - The BASIC Listing import facility was incorrectly interpreting BIN values for the Spectrum - Changed addresses location contents were not being shown correctly in the Memory window when it was displaying Hex Words Enhancements: - Added emulation of Quicksilva Hi-Res Board - Added a Feed button to the ZX Printer - Added documentation on the use of various hardware interfaces to the Help menu, based on original instruction manuals where available - Added shortcuts to the various example programs for the ZX81 to the Help menu, based on examples given in the original instruction manuals or books where available - The Memotech Memopak HRG Reset button now only operates when in SLOW mode the match the behaviour stated in the interface's instruction manual - Added the 'Chrs Demo' utility by Quicksilva for the QS Character Board - Added the 'UDG' utility by dk'tronics for the dk'tronics 4K Graphics ROM - The BASIC Listing window now refreshes automatically when adding or removing BASIC lines for the ZX80, ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TK85, 16K Spectrum (English), 48K Spectrum (English) Spectrum+ (English, Spanish), Spectrum 128 (English, Spanish), Spectrum+2 (English, French, Spanish), Spectrum+2A (English, Spanish) and Spectrum+3 (English, Spanish) - Added an option to the Memory window's context menu to dehighlight changed values

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