Bug fixes: - TZX Manager window now displays punctuation characters in ZX81 file names. - Vertical sync period is no longer visible for a Spectrum when in large border mode. - Removed blank entry that appeared in the Character Generator selection list under the Hardware configuration window. - The ROM loaded for the TS1000 when selected in the Hardware window was incorrect. - Improved emulation of the interaction between the Chroma interface and the dk'tronics Graphics ROM. Enhancements: - Addition of the Live Memory View for 8-bit machines, which allows monitoring the processor's memory accesses in real-time. It tracks bytes of memory which have been touched, either by read, write or both. - The debugger now allows the use of 'PC', 'HL', 'BC', 'DE', 'IX' and 'IY' in the breakpoint address entry field. - Integrated ZXpand V1.10 firmware changes. - Renamed ZXpand ROM overlay file for the ZX81. - Simplified the naming convention of character set bitmap files used by the debugger. - Added character set bitmap files for the TS1500, Spectrum +2, Spectrum +3, TK85, Jupiter Ace, Lambda 8300, Ringo R470, TC2048 and TS2068. - Renamed the Spectrum +3 ROM to include the version number, with the default now version 4.1. - Included ROMs: Spectrum 128 Spanish, Spectrum +2 Spanish and French, Spectrum +3 Spanish, Spectrum +3 English versions 4.0 and 4.1.

Road Rash
Игры Sega CD / Mega CD
» Эмуляция Nintendo Switch 05:28
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» [NES] Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones 00:37
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» Вопросы по покупке телевизора. 00:06
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