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EmuZWin v2.6 release 1.0
Iron, 07:18, 31-01-2005
Эмулятор Spectrum. Изменений куча ^_^
A lot of changes. Most important are:
A lot of changes. Most important are:
- [+] Formats supported: RZX, SLT.
- [+] Sound devices supported: Covox, Stereo-Covox, General Sound.
- [+] Debugger: Undo/Redo.
- [+] Key remapping improved.
- [+] Scorpion Multicolor Timing added.
- [+] Video: Smooth scale filter, new modes directly supported (16 or 256 colors video-cards, 320x200x256 colors full-screen mode, etc.)
- Core emulation:
- [-] Fixes for some instructions.
- [*] Core emulation totally reworked (self-modifying code used to achieve maximum of effectiveness, fast skip of short loops added).
- Formats:
- [+] SLT format support added (read).
- [+] RZX (replay action) support added. Features:
- keyboard & Kempston joystick presses can be viewed on drawn keyboard whenever possible to restore it;
- Time 2 seconds Back/Fwd command available while playing back and allows to review desired portion of RZX playback several times when desired; also it available while recording (separate IRB with its own snapshot added, some emulators can not play such rzx-files though);
- It is possible to drop several RZX files onto the main window to replay it all one by one;
- Models:
- [+] Scorpion Timing added (Even M1).
- [*] Now a certain Timing is selected automatically when a correspondent Model is selected.
- [*] When EZX format loaded, model and timing stored where always used rather then to check other settings.
- [*] 256 Colors games can now be played with Multicolor turned on, in any timing model available.
- [+] Models +2, +2a, +3 added to Model menu. Toolbar button added to select model. Now the name of the currently selected model is a part of main window title (in [ brackets ] ).
- [*] When loaded shapshot contains info on hardware model (Z80), such hardware is automatically switched to and correspondent timing applied if the emulator in the Multicolor mode.
- Sound:
- [+] Covox support added (port 251), and stereo-Covox on ports 79, 15.
- [+] General Sound support added. For GS machine, its state is not backuped when Time 2 seconds back command is executed. A separate command added to reset GS machine (and it also can be reset together with main emulated machine with new command Reset All).
- Video:
- [+] Smooth Scale filter added (in Effects menu) and enabled by default. When scale factor is not integer this filter has effect and makes pixels of the same dimension while video rendering. This filter is compatible with all graphic modes including 256 colors mode but it is requiring desktop resolution at least 16bpp (64K colors).
- [*] 16 colors and 256 colors desktop resolution supported natively (so the emulator works fast on host machine having small resolution display only). Support for special full-screen mode 320x200x256 added, including working 256 Colors games in this mode.
- [*] 256 Colors games can now be played in full-screen with Direct-X.
- [*] Shortcut key combination Alt+L can be used to switch showing Led status in full-screen Direct-X.
- [*] Faster rendering for all graphic modes, effects and resolutions.
- Debugger:
- [+] A capability to Undo / Redo Spectrum states added. Any command executed in the Debugger (step in, step through, run, etc.) can be Undone and then Redone.
- [*] Small changes in Registers panel layout.
- [*] In additon to F7, "Step into" command also can be executed pressing Space, and in addition to F8, "Step throw" pressing Enter key.
- [*] Main emulator's window toolbar [Pause] button uses now Debugger's [Trace] button image when Trace is on, and also can be used to stop tracing.
- [+] Some additional items have added to logging while performing Trace operation: registers R, I, GFX Registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L (and if those are logged and memory byte also is logging, correspondent GFX memory also is logging).
- [-] Working of conditional breakpoints fixed. For conditional BPs, these are handled independantly of memory banks and linked only to absolute memory address now.
- Configuration:
- [*] Ini-files can be used now, specifying the key /INI in command-line (see description above).
- [*] Any PC Key/joystick button can be remapped now not only to any ZX Key (or two), but to any of 25 Emulator commands. (E.g.: Sound Volume Increase/Decrease, Save Screenshot, etc., see entire list in the Configuration). If a file Default.ekm is found in the starting directory, the default key remap is loaded from it at startup and on Reset All command. And when a snapshot/tape image is loaded, and a so-called .ekm remap file is found there, it is also is loaded together with a snapshot too.
- Other:
- [*] A capability added to Open dialog to auto-refresh when folder content is changed on disk.
- [+] Additional text description is shown in preview part of the Open dialog for a selected item.
- [*] Faster working of Open dialog.
- [-] Small bug in Open dialog: when opened first time, button Forward was available and pressing it crashed the emulator.
- [-] Small bug in Save Dialog: when filename typed manually with an extension, file was not saved.
- [*] In the Disk Browser, non-existing files are not showing in the recent files list. If file is not available, load from recent list is abandoned, but previous disk in slot is not ejected. Loading disk from recent files list in slots 'B', 'C', 'D' does not loads more the same disk to slot 'A' too (bug).
- [*] Pressing single Alt does not enter main menu now, but just temporary enables/disables mouse emulation (for all mouse types supported at the same time).
- [*] Num[ + ] now increases speed to the next point among 1,2,...10,20,30,40,50,100,200,300,...%. Num[ - ] decreases speed to the previous one. Newly selected speed become new Custom Speed (switchable by Num[ * ] as before), if it is not 100%.
- [-] Save File and Save File As commands both worked the same way always calling Save File dialog. Now fixed, and Save File saves a file without a dialog if called after Save File As.
- [*] Much faster working when speed set to high value (above 300%) and with Multicolor off and some other expensive effects off too, top speed achived on my PC is about 3000% (30 times faster then on real machine) and sometimes even more (just to compare: it is Pentium-IV/3200MHz with hyperthreading/512M). Faster loading tape (in many cases).
- [*] Options Flash load and Fast Tape are united to a single (Fast Tape). Flash load fixed (some tapes could not load when Flash load was turned on).
- [*] Separate command Reset All added (Alt+F11 or Alt+toolbar button [Reset] click). It resets GS machine and tape emulation also, and reloads default key remapping (if exists).
- [*] An option added to hide mouse cursor either in full screen or always (or not hide at all as earlier), see in Configuration | Joystick and Mouse.
- [-] If the main window is set to be Stay on top/Semi-transparent, all other forms also become Stay on top, to allow accessing it.
- [-] When the emulator started in paused stated (with command-line /PAUSED or when autosaved state loaded and correspondent option to start paused in such case is on), in non-multicolor, first attempts to resize window without resuming emulation could lead to fail further working (infinitive waiting, no responding from the application). Fixed.
- [-] When tape loading is requested by a Speccy program, but there were no tape inserted, the emulator was crashed. Fixed.
- [-] Saving option "Maximum border in full screen diect-X" fixed (it was checked on each time when emulator started).

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