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FBZX v2.1b
Mortal_Hero, 17:50, 12-01-2009
Вышла в свет новая версия эмулятора платформы Sinclair Spectrum для Linux.
- Version 2.1b
- Renamed directory roms in the TAR.BZ2 package to spectrum-roms, to allow FBZX to run from a local directory, without needing to install it globally (DEB package with version 2.1 works fine, so has not been replaced).
Version 2.1
- hanged the ROM format for compatibility with files in Debian package SPECTRUM-ROMS
- Added new icon (thanks to Paulo Silva)
Version 2.0
- Finally 100% free code, thanks to a new Z80 emulator written from scratch.
- Emulates the Spanish 128K (thanks to J. Baltasar)
- Can use ALSA or OSS to sound output
- Stores the volume settings
- Can be run from the local directory, without installing in /usr
- Fixed a bug in the sound with some soundcards
Version 1.10
- Allows to switch between window and fullscreen mode (thanks to Marcin Bukat).
- Added a TURBO mode to load TZX files faster (thanks again to Marcin Bukat).
- Shows FBZX as window title.
Version 1.9
- Now stores the current mode (spectrum type, joystick...) and restores it the next time is launched.
- Allows to close the emulator by clicking on the X button in the window bar.
- Allows to put the screen in "double scanline" mode.
- If it can't gain access to the sound, it will start without it, instead of failing.
Version 1.8
- Fixed a bug when loading .Z80 snapshots
- Added support for .SNA snapshots
- Added support for Joysticks
- Now creates an entry in the GNOME/KDE menus
- Can load snapshots or tapes from the command line
- Allows to asociate to it the file extensions .SNA, .Z80, .TAP and TZX so you can load games just clicking over the file.
Version 1.7
- Fixed a bug in the creation of 128K snapshots
- Fixed the memory access ports in 128K mode

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