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FCE Ultra v0.98.25
Iron, 01:31, 10-04-2008
Эмулятор NES / Dendy для Windows. Новая версия FCE Ultra c возможностью записи мувиков/повторов.
FCE Ultra v0.98.25
- *As requested, Memory Tools->Update Speed->High works at highest possible speed as in 0.98.16. Normal speed now works as High speed in 0.98.24. Low is still the same.
*Fixed bug introduced by me in 0.98.23, where loading a memory address list in Memory Watch, before loading a game, would crash FCEU.
*Clear button in Memory Watch now clears everything correctly, even if emulation is paused.
*Movies should not loop endlessly anymore when loading a state after using Read-Only Toggle to turn it on.
*FCEU doesn't crash anymore when you try to load a savestate from a very small movie. This was caused by some bug introduced by me.
*FCEU now sends a message when it loads a .cht file. This message can be found in the Message Log window.
*Wrong movie message should be more reliable now... Here's how it works:
-It compares 50 random bytes, ignoring the last 4 bytes from each movie.
-Only movies larger than 4 bytes are compared now.
If it's still not working correctly for someone, upload the savestate and the movie file and I'll take at look at it.
FCE Ultra v0.98.24
- *New option to record "movie end" message in AVI.
*FCEU doesn't ignore the last input delivered when you switch to "Read+Write Mode" anymore.
*New option to pause emulation automatically after movie playback stops, so you don't have to keep reloading the movie every time you test something in real time, for example.
*Now it shows "current frame / total frames" when you're playing a movie.
кукер [03:17, 20-04-2008]
Nightmare (1986)(K'Soft)
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