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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.10
Morphium, 08:25, 08-10-2011
Новая версия мультисистемного эмулятора аркад от Capcom, SNK, Cave и множества других.
Список изменений:
Список изменений:
- Redesigned the game selection dialog [Barry]
- Added a dialog to view roms and/or samples required by a driver to the game selection dialog [Barry]
- Removed the incomplete Neo-Geo multi-slot implementation [Barry]
- Removed the "save decrypted C roms" functionality [Barry]
- Removed the jukebox functionality and resources [Barry]
- Removed support for datfiles other than the latest ClrMAME format [Barry]
- Removed the package importer and resources [Barry]
- Removed the menu themes and resources [Barry]
- Removed skins and resources [Barry]
- Removed the gamelist translation module and resources [Barry]
- Removed icons support and resources [Barry]
- Removed the favourites functionality and resources [Barry]
- Removed the context menu from the game selection dialog [Barry]
- Removed IPS Patch functionality and resources [Barry]
- Removed the game information dialog and resources [Barry]
- Removed unneeded support file paths and resources [Barry]
- Removed IPS Patch functionality and resources [Barry]
- Restructured source code and removed any unneeded modules [Barry]
- Removed PNGlib and updated preview loading code to use libPNG [Barry, heavily based on some old code from Jan_Klaassen]
- Updated preview loading code to allow interpolation on resizing [Barry, heavily based on some old code from Jan_Klaassen]
- Fixed the localisation template support [Barry]
- Tidied up the resource files [Barry]
- Added flag to the makefile allowing X86 assembly code to not be built, and added support in the code to not build X86 assembly when defined [Barry]
- Fixed sound rendering in the YM2151 module when not using the MMX routines [Barry]
- Tidied up the source code to compile with Microsoft tools when building in an X64 environment [Barry]
- Added an option in the makefile to build an X64 binary, and updated the VC makefile and source code to support it [Barry]
- Added ability to change the volume of the YM2203 module and used it to bring down the volume in the 1943 driver [Barry]
- Fixed FM Interpolation rendering routine in the YM2203 module [Barry]
- Added support for the YM2610 module to mix the sounds into one stream (mono) and updated the Bonze Adventure, Darius 2, Operation Thunderbolt, Taito-B, Taito-Z and Welltris drivers to use it [Barry]
- Added Super Chase to release builds as it works fine except for sound [Barry]
- Fixed missing sounds in the 1943 driver [Barry]
- Disabled the corrupt boot screen in Last Hope in the Neo-Geo driver [Barry, with info from Johnboy]
- Corrected default dip values in the PS2 datafile System 16B version of Bloxeed [Barry]
- Fixed some rom sizes in the Irem M72 driver [Barry]
- Updated the help file based on the above feature cull [Barry]

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