Paddles - User input handled more frequently meaning finer paddle control Moviecart - Improved behaviour of video/audio when the movie is rewound to the start/end of the video - this reflects recent changes in the real Moviecart kernel - Automatic setting of TV specification now works - Format of movie cannot be detected until after movie starts Television - Setting the TV mode also changes the underlying clock speed of the console - PAL and SECAM run at different speeds to NTSC machines - Added PAM-M - this sets the clock of the machine to PAL-M but attached to a PAL TV Bug fixes - Stepping back in the debugger - bugs introduced in v0.26.0 - stepping back by one instruction was out by one colour clock - STEP BACK SCANLINE and STEP BACK FRAME was broken - Improved detection of correct starting bank for Atari cartridges - also affects EF cartridge - the technique can be expanded to other mappers if required - Rewind/Fast-Forward icon never appeared on screen - bug introduced in v0.25.0 - ARM TIM1 enabling was not working - the enable bit was not being masked correctly - Capturing of emulation state (for the rewind system) was sometimes missed in playmode
 (Unl) [T-Eng by Pacnsacdave v2.1] [n]-1.png)
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