- gba/bugfix: forces WAITCNT.15=readonly (for DKong:KingOfSwing, thanks endrift) - dsi/teak/a22i: added TeakLite II assembler (supports most TL+TL2 opcodes) - dsi/teak/help: specs for teak cpu flags (which opcodes affect which flags) - dsi/teak/help: specs for memory mapped I/O ports on teak/dsp side - dsi/teak/help: specs for teak CPU registers, details for operand encoding - dsi/teak/help: specs for teak st0-2,icr plus undoc stt0-2,mod0-3 - dsi/emmc: detects/supports debug-version eMMC images (tweaks port 4004024h) - dsi/help: cleaned up some RSA descriptions, notes on debug-version RSA keys - dsi/help: first attempts on describing SCFG_xxx registers for ARM7 side - nds/wifi/help: added details on ds-download-play's openpgp-rsa-sha1 signature - dsi/boot: mimmicked support for booting with AR6013 (when WifiFlash[1FDh]=2) - dsi/dsdump: released dumping tool for dsi memory areas and chip IDs - nds/wifi: released dswifi ASM port (and bugfixes for original dswifi-library) - dsi/wifi/a22i: added assembler support for atheros/xtensa instruction set - dsi/wifi/disass: fixed bugs for ANY/ALL/4/8 and EXTUI-based SHR pseudo-opcode - bugfix: handles 16bit (not 32bit) return value of GetKeyState/GetAsyncKeyState - nds/wifi/help: added note on W_IF acknowledging for counter half-overflows - dsi/tmd/help: added age ratings and public/private .sav entries in .tmd specs - dsi/devicelist/help: added DSi SD/MMC Device List chapter (for carthdr[1D4h]) - dsi/startdirect: initializes device list, aes keys, etc. (still imperfect) - fontfile/help: more info on dsi font file (compression, nitrofont, characters) - lz/help: added pseudo code for lzss, lz11, and lzrev decompression - bootinfo/help: SHA1 WifiFlash[00h..27h] and eMMCBootInfo[00h..FFh,180h..1FFh] - whitelist/help: info on RSA-SHA1's, SHA1-HMAC's and missing RSA check in v1.4E - flipnote/help: info on various flipnote files, rsa, md5, xor-encryption - rsa/help: added info on rsa basics, rsa pseudo code, rsa big-endian format - rsa/help: added note on SWI 23h using OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880) - rsa/bios: 80x86 dsi bios clone supports RSA bios functions (SWI 20h..23h) - nds/bugfix: disables dsi I/O ports in DS mode (avoids misdetecting DS as DSi)

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