- dsi/exploit: released unlaunch.dsi (first ever released dsi bootcode exploit) - utility/upload: added dslink-compatible wifi upload function (nds/dsi only) - utility/upload: wifiboot 2.1 dslink-clone (proper cache init/initback) - utility/upload: wifiboot 2.0 dslink-clone (dwm-w024 and arm7i/arm9i areas) - dsi/emu/cartloader/help: takes WRAMCNT from MSBs of MBK9 entry in cartheader - dsi/emu: mirrors read-only SCFG_EXT7 bits from SCFG_EXT9 and vice-versa - arm/cpu/help: notes on cache clean vs invalidate and cache-write-bufferability - dsi/help: added caution of forward references in Device List structure - dsi/cartloader: rejects large modcrypt areas (eg. crypt.size>arm7i.size) - dsi/cartloader: supports small modcrypt areas (eg. crypt.start>arm7i.start) - dsi/modcrypt/help: added notes of several weird modcrypt corner cases - arm/debug: I/O map cpmem9 shows PU dc/cc/wb (data/code cache and wbufferable) - spi/powerman: emulates dslite/dsi registers: powerman[4] and powerman[10h] - dsi/korea/help: notes korean font file (diff names, crisp clear, less tiles) - dsi/korea/help: korean firmware version numbering as in china, 1.4.6 is newest - dsi/help: added note on smaller cert.sys files (for korea or before dsi-shop?) - dsi/wifi/emu: emulates sdio cmd5,cmd3,cmd7,cmd15 and reset_control.bit8 - nds/wifi/help: added description for 48080DAh W_RX_LEN_CROP register - dsi/wifi/help: sdio init via cmd5,cmd3,cmd7,cmd15, rtc.fout, scfg/gpio etc - dsi/wifi/help: added sdio pins on daughterboard and pinout for ar6013g chip - dsi/sdmmc/help: described 40048F6h (bit0 = SD_WRPROTECT_2 for eMMC chip) - dsi/scfg/help: details on scfg_ext7 and scfg_a7rom, updated mbk chapter - dsi/scfg/emu: emulates scfg_ext7 and scfg_a7rom access right bits - dsi/scfg/emu: emulates arm9.mbk1-5 writes in respect to arm7.mbk9 setting - dsi/emu: removed most in_32 notyet warnings, added more out_xx notyet warnings - dsi/mmc/emu: warning if .mmc file without footer (need CID and Console ID) - dsi/help: added notes on bits in SCFG_A9ROM/A7ROM being set-once bits - dsi/wifi/help: described 4004C04h.bit8 needed for DWM-W024 in NDS-wifi mode - dsi/sdmmc/help: notes on SEND_OP_COND, and on ALL_GET_CID vs max CARD_CLK_CTL - dsi/exploits/help: added some notes on recently released exploits and tools - dsi/biosdumping/help: notes on voltage errors and CE2 idea from dark_samus - dsi/help: added info on valid ARM9+ARM7+ARM9i+ARM7i areas for NDS and DSi mode - dsi/help: added info on RSA signatures for newer non-whitelisted NDS carts - dsi/carthdr/help: added notes on Access Control entry (request AES keys) - dsi/carthdr/help: digest, modcrypt, twl-total can be ZERO (optional entries) - dsi/sdmmc: added provisions for SDHC emulation, filesys viewer supports FAT32 - arm9/emu: allows exception vectors at 00000000h or FFFF0000h (thanks dave) - dsi/help: added details on ECC keys/certificates (using ECC curve sect233r1) - carthdr/help: added some more cart headers entries for dsi (and nds with rsa) - help: specs for DSi RTC extras (up counter, alarm date, and FOUT selection) - debug/elf: processes/skips dwarf4/dwarf5 DW_FORM tags (for homebrew PSX games)
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