- cdrom/emu/help: chd compression - cdrom/emu/help: pbp compression (partially supported, without encryption) - irq: more accurate port 1F8010F4h dma irq handling (and removed alone_fix) - windows: closes child windows (help,iomap,tty,etc) on exit (regain keyb focus) - windows: uses SendNotifyMessage instead SendMessage for broadcast (avoid hang) - bios clone: cd-audio player shows both left/right waveforms (white/gray) - spu: bugfixed capture (voice 3 was accidently written to 400h instead C00h) - cdrom/setup: scex mode optionally normal, unlicensed, dumb/stealth modchip - cdrom: command 04h,05h,10h,11h,1Dh trigger error 80h when disk is stopped - cdrom/emu: allocates larger cue sheet (for many tracks with multiple indices) - cpu: conditional jump reserved bits (emulated, with optional warning) - cpu: conditional bltzal/bgezal always set ra=$+8 (even when condition=false) - cpu: emulates mul/div timings, fixed JALR opcode (for unstable rd=rs) - cpu: emulates lwl/lwr as generic 'any_mem_ecx_mac' memory access - cpu: emulates irq triggered after NEXT opcode after SR.bit0 changing 0-to-1 - cpu: emulates opcode.bit26-27 stored in cause.bi28-29 - cpu: allows/warns on unused/mirrored COP0 opcodes - timers: fixed cmall clock cycle leak in process_event function - gte: supports cop2 disable, emulates cop2cmd timings - gte: accurate mvmva glitches for Vx=2 and Mx=3 - gte: fixed overflow flags for nclip/gpl - gte: reading IRGB/ORGB registers takes 1 extra clock cycle - cop1/cop3: supports dummy cop1/cop3 opcodes (when enabled in SR.bit29/bit31) - cop0: emulates glitchy jf/jt/lwc0/swc0 opcodes (versus SR.bit28) - compression help: added note on BIOS/GUI using same LZSS as Destruction Derby - kernel/help: added notes on NOPs in exception handler C(06h) - debug/ass/dis: movl/movr opcodes (alias for native lwl/swl/lwr/swr opcodes) - debug/iomap: resolves DMA control flags (IE,IF,prio from DICR/DPCR) - help: added dtl-h2000-only CDROM kernel functions; in A(79h) .. A(8Fh) range - help: added note about faulty SetSession TOC reading in older cdrom firmwares - help: added note on undocumented cause.bit30 (branch delay condition) - a22i: fixed slt(i)(u) opcode in native asm syntax - file formats: blaster master chunks, ape escape sound archives, xz, upx, bm
Gauntlet II
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