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NRage's DirectInput Plugin 2.1 rc3
Mortal_Hero, 12:42, 10-07-2008
Вышла новая версия плагина ввода для эмуляторов N64.
- Switching between paks with shortcuts unplugs the current pak and waits before putting in the new one.
- Shortcut "notifications" should work correctly now (Thanks Koolsmoky)
- Better detection of devices; more joysticks should work now, as well as steering wheels and things that aren´t strictly "gamepads"
- N64 controllers can now get input from multiple gamepad type devices
- Now able to assign a key, mouse, or gamepad control to as many N64 control surfaces as you like
- device selection for keybinding no longer needed; devices list now shown as "Force-Feedback Devices" under ControllerPak selection (pick Rumble, and tick the "RawMode" box)
- no longer possible to send FF events from multiple controllers to the same FF device (this shouldn´t have worked anyway)
- now captures mouseclicks properly in Controllers tab (disable button clicks while polling)
- INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT (and internally switched to Unicode)
- releases exclusive mouse while in config menu (fixed a mouse bind while locked issue)
- add independent X/Y mouse sensitivity
- changed absolute mouse support: now choose between Buffered (default from before), Absolute, and Deadpan (control only moves while you move the mouse)
- various optimizations, bugfixes, and spelling fixes
- LOTS of documentation added to the source; it should be more legible now
- rewrote controller save and restore (underlying CONTROLLER and BUTTON structs changed...)
- Button mappings and modifiers will need to be reset on first load
- now rewrites mempak and transferpak RAM to disk immediately after writing to controller (1.83 and previous didn´t save the mempak until RomClose)
- now possible to map shortcuts to buttons and axes as well as keys (be careful)
- tabbing within the config window actually works now
- can save and load shortcuts
- Transferpak MBC5 support fixed (Pokemon Yellow, Perfect Dark)
- Win98/ME registry load finally fixed
- lots of crash bugs fixed
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