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Ootake v2.55
Iron, 21:17, 21-05-2011
Новая версия японского эмулятора консоли NEC PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 для Windows.
Список изменений:
Список изменений:
- The library of VisualStudio2008 (tool that developed Ootake) was renewed a little newly. As a result, I think that the tone quality of the sound improved.
- The speed and timing were brought close to the movement of a real machine. In the visual scene of "Tenshi no Uta 2", the problem that the screen stops (generated by v2.54) was solved.
- The volume setting processing of the wave memory sound chip was fixed. In "Atomic Robo-Kid Spacial", the problem that BGM had not played (generated from v2.52) was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
- The execution file for "Windows 98/Me" was opened to the public. The operation test is not done. Please see "Readme98.txt" in the ZIP file about details and notes, etc. http://www.ouma.jp/file/Ootake255-for98.zip
- I began Twitter. (Japanese language) http://twitter.com/kitao_n
Anonymous [23:39, 21-05-2011]
визуал студио сам улучшил звук? o_O
 (Proto) [b]_012.png)
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