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PicoDrive 1.50 (PSP)
Mortal_Hero, 04:05, 11-07-2008
Порт эмулятора Genesis/Sega CD для Playstation Portable.
- Added some basic support for Sega Pico, a MegaDrive-based toy.
- Added proper support for cue/bin images, including cdda playback. .cue sheets with iso/cso/mp3/wav files listed in them are now supported too (but 44kHz restriction still applies).
- Added bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, based on Exophase’s bin_to_iso_ogg. The tool can convert .cue/.bin Sega CD images to .cso/.mp3.
- Greatly improved Sega CD load times.
- Changed how scheduling between 68k and z80 is handled. Improves performance for some games. Credits to Lordus for the idea.
- YM2612 state was not 100% saved, this should be better now.
- Improved renderer performance for shadow/hilight mode.
- Added a hack for YM2612 frequency overflow issue (bleep noises in Shaq Fu, Spider-Man - The Animated Series (intro music), etc.). Credits to Nemesis @ spritesmind forum. Works only if sound rate is set to 44kHz.
- Implemented some sprite rendering improvements, as suggested by Exophase. Games with lots of sprites now perform better.
- Added better idle loop detection, based on Lordus’ idea again.
- “accurate timing” option removed, as disabling it no longer improves performance.
- “accurate sprites” was removed too, the new sprite code can properly handle sprite priorities in all cases.
- Timers adjusted again.
- Improved .smd detection code.
- Minor general optimizations and menu improvements.
- Fixed a bug in Sega CD savestate loader, where the game would sometimes crash after load.
- Fixed a crash of games using eeprom (introduced in 1.40b).
- fixed suspend/resume (hopefully for real).
Rus [05:29, 11-07-2008]
Что такое Sega Pico и MegaDrive-based toy?
Разъясните плиз.
Разъясните плиз.
Noelemahc [11:50, 11-07-2008]
Sega Pico - это Megadrive-based toy и есть, то есть игрушка на базе Megadrive.
Википедия для кого сделана?
Википедия для кого сделана?
Rus [22:00, 11-07-2008]
Премного благодарен, иду просвещаться.
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