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puNES v0.55
Iron, 13:39, 20-03-2012
Новая версия развивающегося эмулятора NES для Linux и Windows.
- v0.55 (bugfix release)
- Fixed another bug in the square emulation.
- Thanks to Eugene.s for the reporting.
- v0.54 (bugfix release)
- I've forgotten to uncomment same code in new squares emulation that results in distorted sound. Correct.
- v0.53 (massive bugfix release)
- Correct frequency pitch emulation in Dandy mode.
- Fixed all the bugs that were going to crash the emulator in the Windows version, now are really stable.
- Correct a lots of bugs in the apu emulation and now the sound is much more cleaner and precise.
- Rewrite from scratch the popping sound reducer.
- Thx Eugene.S for suggestions, feedback and patience.
Habu Meijin no Omoshiro Shougi
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