- Updated translation from Crowdin - Added Chinese translation - Added an option to show frames and lags counters - Rewritten the audio of the VRC7 - Implemented the project "Cycle-accurate emulation of Yamaha OPLL" - Updated the icon and the banner of the info page - Increased compatibility with OpenGL shaders - Implemented the ability to select the resolution of the fulscreen - Added the option to automatically set the refresh rate based on the region of the rom used (50/100Hz for PAL/Dendy roms, 60/120Hz for NTSC) if the monitor supports them. The rewriting of the fullscreen management allowed to correct some bugs present for a long time - Fixed initial positioning of the emulator window - Implemented the ability to view the menu bar in fullscreen mode through a configurable shortcut (default is ALT+M) - Implemented the double click management on the menu bar - left button hides toolbar and statusbar - right button hides the whole gui - Now it's possible to use the ESC as a shortcut - The code is now QT6 compatible - Added the ability to customize NTSC filters in video settings - Fixed the aspect ratio of the NTSC filters in fullscreen mode - Updated to FFmpeg 4.4 - Fixed video recording in HENC format at high quality - Added support for the Opus audio format in audio recording - Added an option to change CPU/PPU alignment at power-up/hard reset - Added this 3 options for the Famicom Disk System - "Insert disk 1 side A at power-up/reset" - "Switch the disk/side automatically" - "Use fast forward when loading the BIOS or disk/side" in the "Settings->General". They are activated by default and do what is written in the description - Now, by default, only one instance of the emulator is allowed to run - Added the management of the double click when selecting a rom from a compressed archive - Fixed inversion of controller mode NES/Four Score - Added the cmd line option "--hidden-gui" to start the emulator with hidden GUI (useful for frontends) and that it's also possible to do with the shortcut ALT+G - Rewritten overlay and widget for save slot selection and increased the number of slots to 12 - Added an option to re-enable the sprite limit when a game needs it - Added support for subtitles of TAS videos. They will appear in the info bar with center alignment - Rewritten the cheat editor to make it easier and more manageable - Added sample rates of 96000 and 192000 and improved the selection of the sample rate of audio codecs that don't provide information about those supported - Rewritten the input management through gamepads and joysticks - Added multithreading management - In the Linux version added the dependency to libudev - Increased the emulation speed by 7-10% - Eliminated (especially in the windows version) blocks and slowdowns of the emulation in the case of gamepads configured but not connected to the start of the emulator - Uniformed the management of inputs on all the various ports - Separeted joystick/gamepads configuration from the port configuration, now each gamepads will have its own configuration - Added an option to set the deadzone - Added a new tool: "Joypad/Gamepad Debug". With this you can see the info on the connected devices, it is also possible to disable the reading of certain axes and buttons from the gamepad status reading routine. In addition to debugging reasons, it is an option to be able to use gamepads that send incorrect values on some axis or button while still allowing their use - Added automatic recognition of the type of gamepad with relative configuration. Supported for now Steam Controller (only under Linux), Xbox 360 Controller and Playstation 3 (thx to Gianmarco Trentadue for for the donation) and 4 controllers which are the ones I had at my disposal. It should also work with Xbox One controllers but I couldn't check it as I didn't have any - NOTICE : All buttons bindings will need to be reconfigured - Fixed many many many other bugs

Keiba Kizoku
Игры Game Boy / Color
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